
Chakras, in Hindu metaphysical tradition and other belief systems, are centres of Prāṇa, life force, or vital energy. Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. Texts and teachings present different numbers of chakras.

Their name derives from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning”.

The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.

The number of major chakras does vary in some instances, e.g. Hindu yoga has six centres, but the greatest variation is in the minor chakras. In some regimes of therapy ten minor chakras are identified, and these are interconnected with the major chakras.

  • One in the arch of each foot, connected to the first and third chakras.
  • One in each knee joint, connected to the fifth and sixth chakras.
  • One in each palm, connected to the second, third and fourth chakras.
  • One in each elbow, connected to the second and third chakras
  • One below each shoulder, connected to the third and fifth chakras 

Mūlādhāra (Root/Base Chakra)

The Base Chakra is located in the perineum, which is the area between the genitals and the anus. Although no endocrine organ is placed here, it relates to the adrenal medulla, responsible for the fight-or-flight response when survival is under threat. Key issues involve sexuality, lust and obsession. Physically, the Base Chakra governs sexuality, mentally it governs stability, emotionally it governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of security.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Base Chakra. It assists in strengthening survival instincts and instilling feelings of security. It promotes independence and a good sense of one’s own power, while reducing hyperactivity, fear, and vengeful feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s mother, and past and present lovers.

Crystals used:
Hematite, Red Coral, Tektite,Red Jasper, Cinnabar, Black Obsidian, Ruby, Garnet, Fire Agate, Blood Stone, Schorl, Lodestone


मूलाधार mūlādhāra (Root)


Roots; Grounding; Nourishment; Trust; Health; Home; Family; Prosperity; Appropriate boundaries


Base of Spine; Coccygeal plexus




Disconnection from body; Notably underweight; Fearful, anxious, restless, can’t settle; Poor focus and discipline; Financial difficulty; Poor boundaries; Chronic disorganisation

Obesity, overeating; Hoarding, material fixation, greed; Sluggish, lazy, tired; Fear of change; Addiction to security; Right boundaries
Physical Malfunctions: Disorders of the bowel, anus, large intestine; Disorders of solid parts of the body: Bones, Teeth; Issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks; Eating disorders; Frequent illness (can be deficient and/or excessive)

Healing Practices:
Reconnect with body; Physical activity (aerobics, weights, running, dance); Lots of touch, massage; Bioenergetic grounding; Hatha Yoga; Look at earliest childhood relationships to mother; Reclaim right to be here

It is save for me to be here.
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am immersed in abundance.
I’m here and I’m real.
Developmental Stage:
2nd trimester to 12 months

Developmental Tasks:
Physical growth; Motor skills; Object permanence

Basic Rights:
To be here and have

Balance Characteristics:

Good health; Vitality; Well grounded; Comfortable in body; Sense of trust in the world; Feeling of safety and security; Ability to relax and be still; Stability; Prosperity; Right Livelihood

Traumas and Abuses:
Birth trauma; Abandonment, physical neglect; Poor physical bonding with mother; Malnourishment, feeding difficulties; Major illness or surgery; Physical abuse of violent environment; Enema abuse; Inherited traumas — Parents’ survival fears (i.e. holocaust survivors, war veterans, poverty conditions, etc.)

Svādhiṣṭhāna (Sacral Chakra)

The Sacral Chakra is located in the sacrum and corresponds to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. The Sacral Chakra also relates to the genito-urinary system. The key issues involving the Sacral Chakra are relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure. Physically, the Sacral Chakra governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Sacral Chakra. It assists in developing creativity. It promotes courage, assertion, acceptance of sexuality and fertility, while reducing low self-esteem, sluggishness, feelings of inferiority and infertility. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s parents, and past and present lovers, needy people, unborn children and thought forms.

Crystals used:
Petrified Wood, Carnelian, Creedite, Vanadinite, Orange Calcite, Chiastolite, Moonstone, Sun Stone, Amber, Ammolite, Enhydro Quartz, Ocean Jasper


स्वािधष्ठान svādhiṣṭhāna (Sweetness)

Movement and connection

Movement; Sensations; Emotions; Sexuality; Desire; Need; Pleasure


Lower abdomen; Sacral Plexus




Rigidity in body and attitudes; Frigidity, fear of sex; Poor social skills; Denial of pleasure; Excessive boundaries; Fear of change; Lack of desire, passion
Excess: Sexual acting out, sexual addiction; Pleasure addiction; Excessively strong emotions (hysteria, bipolar mood swings, crisis junkies); Oversensitive; Poor boundaries, invasion of others; Seductive manipulation; Emotional dependency; Obsessive attachment

Physical Malfunctions:
Disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; Menstrual difficulties; Sexual dysfunction: impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity, nonorgasmic; Low back pain, knee trouble, lack of flexibility; Deadened senses, loss of appetite for food, sex, life

Healing Practices:
Movement therapy; Emotional release or containment as appropriate; Inner child work; Boundary work; 12-step program for addictions; Assign healthy pleasures; Develop sensate intelligence

I deserve pleasure in my life.
I absorb information from my feelings.
I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
I move Easily and effortlessly.

Developmental Stage:
6 months to 2 years

Developmental Tasks:
Sensate exploration of the world; Locomotion

Basic Rights:
To feel and have pleasure

Balance Characteristics:
Graceful movement; Emotional intelligence; Ability to experience pleasure; Nurturance of self and others; Ability to change; Healthy boundaries

Traumas and Abuses:
Sexual abuse (covert of overt); Emotional abuse; Volatile situations; Neglect, coldness, rejection; Denial of child’s feeling states, Lack of mirroring; Enmeshment; Emotional manipulation; Overuse of playpen or restricting normal movement; Religious or moral severity (anti pleasure); Physical abuse; Alcoholic families; Inherited issues — parents who have not worked out their own issues around sexuality; Untreated incest cases

Maṇipūra (Solar Plexus)

The Solar Plexus is related to the metabolic and digestive systems and corresponds to Islets of Langerhans, which are groups of cells in the pancreas. These play a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. Key issues governed by the Solar Plexus are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to the more complex. Physically, the Solar Plexus governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Solar Plexus. It assists in developing emotional connection. It promotes empathy and good energy assimilation, while reducing emotional baggage and emotional imbalances. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s relatives, needy people and previous relationships.

Crystals used:
Citrine, Ametrine, Pyrite, Yellow Fluorite, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Yellow Calcite, Sulphur, Yellow Jasper, Imperial Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline, Golden Beryl


मिणपूर maṇipūra (Lustrous gem)


Energy; Activity; Autonomy; Individuation; Will; Self-eteem; Proactivity; Power


Solar Plexus

Ego identity



Low energy; Weak will, easily manipulated; Poor self-discipline and follow-through; Low-self-esteem; Cold, emotionally and/or physically; Poor digestion; Collapsed middle; Attraction to stimulants; Victim mentality, blaming of others; Passive; Unreliable

Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling; need to be right, have last word; Manipulative, power hungry, deceitful; Attraction to sedatives; Temper tantrums, violent outbursts; Stubbornness; Driving ambition (type A personality); Competitive; Arrogant; Hyperactive

Physical Malfunctions:
Eating disorders; Digestive disorders, ulcers; Hypoglycaemia, diabetes; Muscle spasms, muscular disorders; Chronic fatigue; Hypertension; Disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver

Healing Practices:
Risk taking (deficiency); Grounding and emotional contact; Deep relaxation, stress control (excess); Vigorous exercise (running, aerobics, etc.); Martial Arts; Sit-ups;

Build ego strength; release or contain anger; work on shame issues; strengthen the will; encourage autonomy

I honour the power within me.
I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
I can do whatever I will to do.

Developmental Stage:
18 months to 4 years Developmental Tasks:
Realisation of separateness; Establishment of autonomy

Basic Rights:
To act and be an individual

Balance Characteristics:

Responsible, reliable; Balanced, effective will; Good self-esteem, balanced ego-strength; Warmth in personality; Confidence; Spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humour; Appropriate self-discipline; Sense of one’s personal power; Able to meet challenges

Traumas and Abuses:
Shaming; Authoritarianism; Volatile situations; Domination of will; Physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment; Enmeshment; Age inappropriate responsibilities (parentified child); Inherited shame from parent

Anāhata (Heart Chakra)

The Heart Chakra is related to the thymus, located in the chest. It is the site of maturation of the T-cells responsible for fending off disease and may be adversely affected by stress. Key issues involving the Heart Chakra involve complex emotions, compassion, tenderness, unconditional love, equilibrium, rejection and well-being. Physically, the Heart Chakra governs circulation, emotionally it governs unconditional love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it governs devotion.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Heart Chakra. It assists in developing love. It promotes compassion, empathy, acceptance, generosity and love, while reducing jealousy, insecurity and disconnected feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to anyone you’ve loved.

Crystals used:
Green Calcite, Green Fluorite, Kutnahurite, Danburite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Moss Agate, Pink Petalite, Peridot, Green Corundum, Kunzite, Chrysoprase, Emerald


अनाहत anāhata (Unstuck)

Love; Balance

Love; Balance; Self-love; Relationships; Intimacy; Anima/animus; Devotion; Reaching out and taking in

Green or Pink

Chest, Heart, Cardiac Plexus


Self-acceptance; Acceptance of others


Antisocial, withdrawn, cold; Critical, judgemental, intolerant of self or others; Loneliness, isolation; Depression; Fear of intimacy, fear of relationships; Lack of empathy; Narcissism

Codependency; Poor boundaries; Demanding; Clinging; Jealousy; Overly sacrificing

Physical Malfunctions:
Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms; Shortness of breath; Sunken chest; Circulation problems; Asthma; Immune system deficiency; Tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest

Healing Practices:
Breathing exercises, pranayama; Work with arms, reaching out, taking in; Journaling, Self-discovery

Examine assumptions about relationships; Emotional release of grief; Forgiveness when appropriate; Inner child work; Codependency work; Self-acceptance; Anima-animus integration

I am worthy of love.
I am loving to myself and others.
There is an infinite supply of love.
I live in balance with others.

Developmental Stage:
4 to 7 years

Developmental Tasks:
Forming peer and family relationships; Developing persona

Basic Rights:
To love and be loved

Balance Characteristics:
Compassionate; Loving; Empathetic; Self-loving; Altruistic; Peaceful, balanced; Good immune system Traumas and Abuses: Rejections, abandonment, loss; Shaming, constant criticism; Abuses to any other chakras, especially lower chakras; Unacknowledged grief, including partents’ grief; Divorce, death of loved one; Loveless, cold environment; Conditional love; Sexual or physical abuse; Betrayal

Viśuddha (Throat Chakra)

The Throat Chakra may be understood as relating to communication and growth through expression. This Chakra is paralleled to the thyroid gland, also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation. Physically, the Throat Chakra governs communication, emotionally it governs independence, mentally it governs fluent thought, and spiritually, it governs a sense of security.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Throat Chakra. It assists in developing communication and self-expression. It promotes truth-speaking and receptivity, while reducing dogma and the inability to verbalise thoughts or feelings. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s teachers, mentors, gurus, masters and thought forms.

Crystals used:
Kyanite, Larimar, Angelite, Aqua Aura, Turquoise, Blue Tourmaline, Smithsonite, Blue Fluorite, Blue Topaz, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite, Apatite


िवशुद्ध viśuddha (Purification)

Communication; Creativity

Communication; Creativity; Listening; Resonance; Finding one’s own voice

Bright Blue

Throat; Pharyngeal Plexus




Fear of speaking; Small, weak voice; Difficulty putting feelings into words; Introversion, shyness; Tone deaf; Poor rhythm
Excess: Too much talking, talking as a defence; Inability to listen, poor auditory comprehension; Gossiping; Dominating voice, interruptions
Physical Malfunctions: Disorders of the throat, ears, voice, neck; Tightness of the jaw; Toxicity (due to the chakra’s name, which means “purification”)
Healing Practices: Loosen neck and shoulders; Release voice; Singing, chanting, toning; Storytelling; Journal writing; Automatic writing; Practice silence (excess); Non-goal-oriented creativity

Learn communication skills; Complete communications; Letter writing; Inner chile communication; Voice dialogue

I hear and speak the truth.
I express myself with clear intent.
Creativity flows in and through me.
My voice is necessary.

Developmental Stage:
7 to 12 years

Developmental Tasks:
Creative expression; Communication skills; Symbolic thinking

Basic Rights:
To speak and be heard

Balance Characteristics:
Resonance of voice; Good listener; Good sense of timing and rhythm; Clear communication; Lives creatively Traumas and Abuses: Lies, mixed messages; Verbal abuse, constant yelling; Excessive criticism (blocks creativity); Secrets (threats for telling); Authoritarian parents (don’t talk back); Alcoholic, chemically-dependent family (don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel)

Ājña (Third Eye Chakra)

The Third Eye Chakra is linked to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland that produces the hormone melatonin which regulates sleep and waking up. The Third Eye’s key issues involve balancing the higher and lower selves and trusting inner guidance. The Third Eye’s inner aspect relates to the access of intuition. Mentally, the Third Eye deals with visual consciousness, emotionally, it deals with clarity on an intuitive level.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Third Eye. It assists in developing Intuition and mental connection. It promotes intuition, vision and perception, while reducing fear and attachments to the past. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s ancestors or relatives and thought forms.

Crystals used:
Labradorite, Moldavite, Sodalite, Gem Silica, Sapphire, Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Danburite, Papagoite, Scolecite, Diamond, Cavansite, Opal


आज्ञा ājñā (to perceive and command)

Pattern recognition

Image; Intuition; Imagination; Visualisation; Insight; Dreams; Vision


Forehead, brow, Carotid Plexus, Third Eye




Insensitivity; Poor vision; Poor memory; Difficulty seeing future; Lack of imagination; Difficulty visualising; Poor dream recall; Denial (can’t see what is going on); Monopolarised (one true right and only way)

Hallucinations; Delusions; Obsessions; Difficulty concentrating; Nightmares

Physical Malfunctions:
Headaches; Vision problems

Healing Practices:
Creative visual art; Visual stimulation; Meditation

Colouring and drawing, art therapy; Working with memory; Connecting image with feeling; Dream-work; Hypnosis; Guided visualisation; Past life regression therapy

I see all things in clarity.
I am open to the wisdom within.
I can manifest my vision.

Developmental Stage:

Developmental Tasks:
Establishment of personal identity; Ability to perceive patterns

Basic Rights:
To see

Balance Characteristics:
Intuitive; Perceptive; Imaginative; Good memory; Good dream recall; Able to think symbolically; Able to visualise Traumas and Abuses: What you see doesn’t go with what you’re told; Invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences; Ugly or frightening environment (war zone, violence)

Sahasrāra (Crown Chakra)

The Crown Chakra relates to the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones to communicate to the rest of the endocrine system and also connects to the central nervous system via the hypothalamus. The Crown Chakra deals with the release of karma, physical action with meditation, mental action with universal consciousness and unity, and emotional action with “beingness”.

This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Crown Chakra. It assists in developing spiritual connection. It promotes humanitarianism, mysticisms and generosity, while reducing arrogance, over-imagination and abuse of power. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s mentors and spiritual entities.

Crystals used:
Apophyllite, Danburite, Amethyst with Goethite inclusions, Purple Fluorite, Tanzanite, Selenite, Opal, Alexandrite, Sugilite, Diamond, Moldavite, Aegirine


सहस्रार sahasrāra (Thousandfold)


Transcendence; Immanence; Belief systems; Higher Power; Divinity; Union; Vision


Cerebral Cortex




Spiritual cynicism; Learning difficulties; Rigid belief systems; Apathy; Excess in lower chakras — materialism, greed, domination of others

Overintellectualisation; Spiritual addiction; Confusion; Dissociation from body

Physical Malfunctions:
Coma; Migraines; Brain tumours; Amnesia; Cognitive delusions

Healing Practices:
Reestablish physical, emotional connection (excess); Reestablish spirit connection (deficiency); Learning and study; Spiritual discipline; Meditation

Examine belief systems; Develop inner witness; Work with higher power

Divinity resides within.
I am open to new ideas.
Information I need comes to me.
The world is my teacher.
I am guided by higher power.
I am guided by inner wisdom.

Developmental Stage:
Early adulthood and after

Developmental Tasks:
Assimilation of knowledge; Development of wisdom

Basic Rights:
To know and to learn

Balance Characteristics:
Ability to perceive, analyse, and assimilate information; Intelligent, thoughtful, aware; Open-minded, able to question; Spiritually connected; Wisdom and master, broad understanding

Traumas and Abuses:
Withheld information; Education that thwarts curiosity; Forced religiosity; Invalidation of one’s beliefs; Blind obedience (no right to question or think for oneself); Misinformation, lies; Spiritual abuse