This professional course in Crystal Healing has been written with the aim of ensuring that the Student develops their own healing potential and learns the metaphysical properties of the stones. Students will also learn the application in terms of healing, and also the recognition of crystals and their uses.
The course is divided into three levels.
- The Beginner to Intermediate Level introduces students to the world of Crystals and Minerals. Students gain a working knowledge of 22 curriculum crystals, 7 Master Crystals, the Chakra System and practical techniques, methods and meditations.
- The Intermediate to Advanced Level builds on the previous level. Students gain a working knowledge of a further 36 curriculum crystals, 26 Master Crystals, the Meridian System and practical techniques, methods and meditations.
- The Advanced to Master Level is for students who want more metaphysical knowledge and experience. Students gain a working knowledge of a further 32 curriculum crystals, 7 Master Crystals and practical techniques, methods and meditations. A working knowledge is gained of Triangulation.