Contemplation and Meditation Crystal Essence

meditationThis essence offers protection and grounding during meditation. It turns thoughts away from the mundane, while expanding consciousness and harmonising the body and soul to new vibrations. It enhances psychic abilities and intuition, aids astral travel and lucid dreaming and assists in accessing the Akashic Records.

The crystals used in this essence are:

  • Amethyst — Spiritual protection and purification. Stimulates the crown chakra and aids meditation, helping one to still one’s thoughts and move into higher states of consciousness. Generates a ‘bubble of Light’ shield, while raising one’s vibrational Light frequency.
  • Black Obsidian — Grounding and stimulating the root chakra to make its connection with the Earthstar chakra below the feet and deep into the core of the Earth.
  • Rose Quartz — Calms and cleanses the entire auric field. Stimulates the throat, third eye and crown chakras, bringing them into harmony, unity and alignment with the heart. Assists one in reaching resonance with the frequency of compassion, releasing emotional patterns that are keeping one struck and embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light.
  • Emerald — Calms emotions. Ensures physical, mental and emotional equilibrium. Imparts mental clarity, strengthens memory, inspires a deep inner-knowing and broadens the vision.
  • Alexandrite — Vibrational connection to Source energies of higher dimensions. Allows one to use the higher realms as a springboard to inner exploration. Assists in perceiving and understanding the wisdom hidden within the Self. Connects with the Divine Mind and the Akashic Records.
  • Quartz Crystal — Allows one to visualise an image of one’s intention or desired outcome during a meditation session. Brings the highest spiritual awareness into the meditation session. Amplifies the energies of the other stones.
  • Moldavite — Powerful aid for meditation and dream-work. Creates vivid and visionary inner experiences. Connection to guides or angels and expanded awareness.
  • Larimar — Induces a deeply meditative state. Raises consciousness and harmonises body and soul to new vibrations. Facilitates angelic contact and communication with other realms.
  • Infinite Stone — Replenishes the etheric body and helps to seal any holes. Gradually activates Kundalini energy. Aids in maintaining focus during meditation.
  • Opal Aura Quartz — Opens one to a deep state of meditative awareness, grounding the information received in the physical body. Purifies and balances all the chakras and integrates the Light Body into the physical realms.

For a consultation contact Markus at (tel) 021.447.7604. Buy Contemplation and Meditation Essence online at Bid or Buy. Or order directly via e-mail. Chakra Crystal Essences: Base Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus | Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra | Third Eye | Crown Chakra | Chakra Balance
Crystal Essence for: Addiction, Cravings and Dependency | Astral Travel, Dreams and Akashic Records | Auric Protection and Psychic Defense | Concentraion, Focus and Study | Contemplation and Meditation | Depression and Despair | Grounding and Centring | Immune-Boosting and Detoxifying | Issues of the Heart and Relationships | Pregnancy, Child Birth and New Beginnings | Rescue and Recovery | Self-acceptance and Weight Issues
Magickal Crystal Essence for: Abundance, Success and Prosperity
WARNING: Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals can react with water to produce toxic chemicals that are not fit for human or animal consumption. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals may be damaged by water. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals are light sensitive and it is not advisable to place them in direct sunlight. Consult with a qualified and experienced Crystal Healer before attempting to create crystal essences at home.