Pregnancy, Child Birth and New Beginnings Crystal Essence

rescueThis essence brings about a profound connection to the divine feminine within, harmonising all the chakras, while aiding fertility and conception. Protective and calming, it is also a powerful cleanser, strengthening the metabolism, detoxification process and the assimilation of nutrients, while awakening Kundalini. For pregnancy, it promotes robust foetal growth, assists during labour by lessening pain and helps with breast feeding and alleviating postpartum depression. It is the essence for New Beginnings.

The crystals used in this essence are:

  • Gaia Stone — Known as the Goddess Stone as it brings about a profound connection to the divine feminine within. It shows the value of spiritual purification and transmutation. It attunes one to the energy flows of the earth and to the divine feminine as manifested through the Earth Mother. It aids fertility.
  • Lapis Lazuli —Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It is a protective stone that harmonises on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
  • Peridot — A powerful cleanser, releasing and neutralising toxins on all levels. It has a tonic effect. It heals and regenerates tissues. During labour it aids giving birth by strengthening the muscle contractions but lessening the pain.
  • Red Jasper — It reenergises the body and balances the mineral content of the body without over stimulating the body. It is useful in helping to stabilise pregnancies and promote robust foetal growth.
  • Mookaite — It fortifies the immune system, heals wounds and purifies the blood. It assists the process of pregnancy, reproduction and regeneration of the physical body.
  • Prehnite — It is a stone of Unconditional Love. It enables one to always be prepared, no matter what. It seals the auric field in a protective shield of the divine energy. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces.
  • Citrine — It helps one develop a positive attitude and to look forward optimistically. It promotes enjoyment of new experiences. It overcomes fear of responsibility and stops anger.
  • Larimar — Helps one to reattune to one’s innate femininity and restoring the connection to nature. It counteracts earth energy imbalances and geopathic stress. It is a wonderful stone for mothers during and after pregnancy. It can alleviate post-partum depression and relax the stress associated with new parenthood.
  • Azurite — It clears stress, worry, grief and sadness, allowing more light into the emotions. It encourages the development of the embryo in the womb.
  • Moonstone — It is the stone of New Beginnings. It is linked to the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilising fluid imbalances, and attunes one to the biorhythmic clock. It is excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding.
  • Hematite — Hematite has a powerful connection with blood. It restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply. It stimulates the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells. It is excellent for energetic support.
  • Unakite — It treats the reproductive system, and aids healthy pregnancy. It provides grounding where needed and balances emotions with spirituality. It brings a gentle calmness and negated the effects of electromagnetic pollution from electronic devices.
  • Agate — It encourages regeneration and growth and is the pregnancy stone for both mother and child. It heals and protects the uterus. It protects from prolapse of the uterus and encourages normal shrinkage of the uterus after childbirth. It strengthens blood vessels.

For a consultation contact Markus at (tel) 021.447.7604. Buy Rescue ad Recovery Essence online at Bid or Buy. Or order directly via e-mail. Chakra Crystal Essences: Base Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus | Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra | Third Eye | Crown Chakra | Chakra Balance
Crystal Essence for: Addiction, Cravings and Dependency | Astral Travel, Dreams and Akashic Records | Auric Protection and Psychic Defense | Concentraion, Focus and Study | Contemplation and Meditation | Depression and Despair | Grounding and Centring | Immune-Boosting and Detoxifying | Issues of the Heart and Relationships | Pregnancy, Child Birth and New Beginnings | Rescue and Recovery | Self-acceptance and Weight Issues
Magickal Crystal Essence for: Abundance, Success and Prosperity
WARNING: Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals can react with water to produce toxic chemicals that are not fit for human or animal consumption. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals may be damaged by water. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals are light sensitive and it is not advisable to place them in direct sunlight. Consult with a qualified and experienced Crystal Healer before attempting to create crystal essences at home.