This essence promotes emotional support, forgiveness, courage, trust and honesty. On a physical level it stimulates the entire digestive system including the liver, gallbladder, pituitary glad and thyroid gland, helping your metabolism, digestion and also improving your sense of taste. This essence will allow your body to crave healthy food and exercise.
The crystals used in this essence are:
- Imperial Topaz — Acts like a battery and recharges physically, strengthening faith and optimism. Assists in recognising your own abilities and instills drive. Assists in overcoming limitations. Regenerates cellular structures. Treats the liver, gallbladder and endocrine glands.
- Blue Topaz — Assist in living according to your own aspirations. Blances the thyroid and metabolism.
- Carnelian — Restores vitality and motivation. Stimulates metabolism. Improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and ensures a good supply of blood to organs and tissues.
- Danburite — A very powerful healing stone. Strong detoxifying action. Treats the liver and gallbladder. Balances weight and metabolism. Aids muscular and motor function.
- Aquamarine — Stone of courage. Overcomes jugementalism and encourages taking responsibility for oneself. Harmonises thyroid and pituitary, regulating hormones and growth. General tonic effect.
- Amber — Powerful healer and cleanser. Brings stability to life. Brings balance and patience and encourages dicision-making. Imbues the body with vitality.
- Petrified Wood — Stone of transformation. Induces a feeling of security and of giving solid basis, standing firmly — physically and emotionally.
For a consultation contact Markus at (tel) 021.447.7604. Buy Self- Acceptance and Weight Issues Essence online at Bid or Buy. Or order directly via e-mail. Chakra Crystal Essences: Base Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus | Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra | Third Eye | Crown Chakra | Chakra Balance
Crystal Essence for: Addiction, Cravings and Dependency | Astral Travel, Dreams and Akashic Records | Auric Protection and Psychic Defense | Concentraion, Focus and Study | Contemplation and Meditation | Depression and Despair | Grounding and Centring | Immune-Boosting and Detoxifying | Issues of the Heart and Relationships | Pregnancy, Child Birth and New Beginnings | Rescue and Recovery | Self-acceptance and Weight Issues
Magickal Crystal Essence for: Abundance, Success and Prosperity WARNING: Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals can react with water to produce toxic chemicals that are not fit for human or animal consumption. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals may be damaged by water. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals are light sensitive and it is not advisable to place them in direct sunlight. Consult with a qualified and experienced Crystal Healer before attempting to create crystal essences at home.