The Solar Plexus is related to the metabolic and digestive systems and corresponds to Islets of Langerhans, which are groups of cells in the pancreas. These play a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. Key issues governed by the Solar Plexus are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to the more complex. Physically, the Solar Plexus governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.
This crystal essence has been specially created using a crystal configuration to balance and help develop the Solar Plexus. It assists in developing emotional connection. It promotes empathy and good energy assimilation, while reducing emotional baggage and emotional imbalances. This essence strives to balance and heal attachments to one’s relatives, needy people and previous relationships.
Crystals used:
Citrine, Ametrine, Pyrite, Yellow Fluorite, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Yellow Calcite, Sulphur, Yellow Jasper, Imperial Topaz, Yellow Tourmaline, Golden Beryl
मिणपूर maṇipūra (Lustrous gem)
Energy; Activity; Autonomy; Individuation; Will; Self-eteem; Proactivity; Power
Solar Plexus
Ego identity
Low energy; Weak will, easily manipulated; Poor self-discipline and follow-through; Low-self-esteem; Cold, emotionally and/or physically; Poor digestion; Collapsed middle; Attraction to stimulants; Victim mentality, blaming of others; Passive; Unreliable
Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling; need to be right, have last word; Manipulative, power hungry, deceitful; Attraction to sedatives; Temper tantrums, violent outbursts; Stubbornness; Driving ambition (type A personality); Competitive; Arrogant; Hyperactive
Physical Malfunctions:
Eating disorders; Digestive disorders, ulcers; Hypoglycaemia, diabetes; Muscle spasms, muscular disorders; Chronic fatigue; Hypertension; Disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver
Healing Practices:
Risk taking (deficiency); Grounding and emotional contact; Deep relaxation, stress control (excess); Vigorous exercise (running, aerobics, etc.); Martial Arts; Sit-ups;
Build ego strength; release or contain anger; work on shame issues; strengthen the will; encourage autonomy
I honour the power within me.
I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
I can do whatever I will to do.
Developmental Stage:
18 months to 4 years Developmental Tasks:
Realisation of separateness; Establishment of autonomy
Basic Rights:
To act and be an individual
Balance Characteristics:
Responsible, reliable; Balanced, effective will; Good self-esteem, balanced ego-strength; Warmth in personality; Confidence; Spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humour; Appropriate self-discipline; Sense of one’s personal power; Able to meet challenges
Traumas and Abuses:
Shaming; Authoritarianism; Volatile situations; Domination of will; Physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment; Enmeshment; Age inappropriate responsibilities (parentified child); Inherited shame from parent For a consultation contact Markus at (tel) 021.447.7604. Buy Solar Plexus Essence online at Bid or Buy. Or order directly via e-mail. Chakra Crystal Essences: Base Chakra | Sacral Chakra | Solar Plexus | Heart Chakra | Throat Chakra | Third Eye | Crown Chakra | Chakra Balance
Crystal Essence for: Addiction, Cravings and Dependency | Astral Travel, Dreams and Akashic Records | Auric Protection and Psychic Defense | Concentraion, Focus and Study | Contemplation and Meditation | Depression and Despair | Grounding and Centring | Immune-Boosting and Detoxifying | Issues of the Heart and Relationships | Pregnancy, Child Birth and New Beginnings | Rescue and Recovery | Self-acceptance and Weight Issues
Magickal Crystal Essence for: Abundance, Success and Prosperity WARNING: Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals can react with water to produce toxic chemicals that are not fit for human or animal consumption. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals may be damaged by water. Certain minerals, gemstones or crystals are light sensitive and it is not advisable to place them in direct sunlight. Consult with a qualified and experienced Crystal Healer before attempting to create crystal essences at home.