Three Circle Stance

A useful extrinsic method to develop internal force is the Three-Circle Stance. The emphasis of this stance is on training of Ki (internal energy).

Before starting also see the article on Kikou / Qi Gong.

  1. Stand relaxed and upright with your feet fairly close together (one fist width apart).
  2. Keep your eyes closed for the remainder of the exercise.
  3. Gasshô to centre body, mind and spirit, and set the intent.
  4. Bring your hands to your sides and relax.
  5. Slowly and gently lift the heel of your left leg so only your toes touch the ground. Move your weight over to your right side, lift your left leg and place it one and a half times shoulder width to the left, with the toes pointing in slightly.
  6. Lift the toes of the right foot and turn them in at the same angle as the left foot. Bend the knees slightly. Tilt the pelvis slightly forward and make sure that your back is straight.
  7. Bring the arms up at chest level in front, with elbows and wrists slightly bent to form a circle. Your fingers should be held loosely apart with thumbs and index fingers forming a small second circle.
  8. Pull in the abdomen slightly and hook the knees as if holding a ball with your thighs, thus forming the third circle.
  9. Clear the mind of all thoughts.
  10. Stand motionless in this stance for as long as possible. It is suggested that this stance be kept for a 1000 counts or 20 minutes.
  11. Straighten your legs gently. Move your weight over to the right foot. Gently bring your left foot in next to the right foot, fist distance apart.
  12. Move on to the next Kikou exercise or perform Reiki Undô.
  13. Finish off with the Kikou Face Massage and Sounding Heavenly Drum.

PS. Do not be concerned if, after practicing for some time, parts of the whole body vibrates or shakes vigorously. This is a manifestation of the Kungfu principle, which states that extreme stillness generates motion. It is caused by the vigorous internal flow of energy and is a sure sign that you have developed internal force.
