The Tora Or Project is a global Reiki network of Second Degree and Master Reiki Healers that have dedicated themself to co-operate with the Light Beings of Sirius, Pleiades, Archturus and the Archangelic Orders of the Eternal Mother-Father God YHVH in building, integrating, empowering and regulating the sound and light architecture of the Planetary Bioholographic Light Matrix and the Personal Bioholographic Light Matrices of Humanity on Earth in Accordance with the Eternal Mother-Father God YHVH’s Plan of Regenesis and Progenesis.
Furthermore, the work of the Tora Or Project extends beyond Planet Earth and Humanity on Earth in building, integrating, empowering and regulating the sound and light architecture of All Matter, Beings, Planets, Stars, Galaxies and Universes of the Eternal Mother-Father God YHVH’s Omniversal Bioholographic Light Matrix.
Together with the foresaid Light Beings, the Tora Or Project is also joined by the Aquatic Legions of the Earth’s Dolphin and Whale Communities using their sonar skills to rectify the Planetary Bioholographic Light Matrix.
What is the Torah Or
“The Torah Or is the celestial song of the Kaballah, the Eternal science of the many universes which comprise the Throne of YHVH. It is a love message revealed directly from the higher universes to the dust world creations which are generated in the Name of the Father. Everything that is encompassed in this world of creation – the life that is, the life that is to come, the life that has already passed, is coded in the Torah Or which teaches of Divine unfoldment.
The Torah is the complete computer code from Alpha to Omega, for all sacred sciences extending the biophysical to the astrophysical and revealing the Bible as a consciousness pyramid for human initiation into other kingdoms.
Because of the gift of the Torah and the mathematical keys revealed in every letter, we can say, “Blessed Art Thou, O Lord, Creator of the Luminaries,” for the Torah is, indeed, the Teaching among the Luminaries.
The Torah is the mathematics separating the sacred chemistry from the secular chemistry. It is the coding which connects spiritual universes to physical universes.
He (Enoch) showed me how higher star systems are actually co-ordinated by the technology of the Higher Evolution, subsumed under the Torah Or of the spiritual Councils.
The key, then, is speaking of the Yotzer Amaroth, the Creator of the Luminaries, who through the Hierarchy of the Luminaries gives the astrochemical programs of life extending knowledge from universe to universe…
The Torah teaches us not only to hear the Language of Light, but to humbly receive and use the Language of Light to probe and understand the higher spheres of the heavens and the Shekinah dimensions of the Father’s garment of which Earth is a part.
And the star messengers, the higher Ophanim, speak directly through the Masters of Light whose vibrations sound in the scrolls of the Torah. Their names activate computer geometries of Light for they are the higher Light spirals which, when coded into human consciousness, allow the energy forces of the human chakras to be unified.
The primordial Torah (Kedumah) is the exacting blueprint God followed in the creation of the world.”
How the Tora Or Project Works
Members of the Tora Or Project use Remote Reiki Emission techniques of Second Degree Reiki in applying Reiki to a diskette.
This diskette contains the architectural structures for the Planetary Light Matrix of Earth and the Personal Light Bodies of all the members.
Each member of the Tora Or Project emits Reiki to this “program” for a minimum of forty-eight (48) minutes per day and especially during Mayan Pleiadian Portal Days.
Reiki Healers wishing to join and co-participate as Members of the Tora Or Project ought:
- Subscribe to the Log Book for the Tora Or Project
- Follow the Instructions for Performing TOP Emissions
- Encourage All Reiki Peers, Students and Associates to join and co-participate in the Tora Or Project
Instructions for Performing TOP Emissions
Download the Tora Or Project File (TOP File)
After reviewing “About the TOP File“, please Download the TOP File to your hard drive then copy it to a new blank diskette. The file is archived to fit on either an average floppy diskette, compact diskette (CD) or digital video diskette (DVD).
Many people opt to wrap their TOP Disk in blank folded paper or a blank paper disk jacket with the four Traditional Usui Reiki Symbols (DKM, HSZSN, SHK and CKR) written on paper squares and placed within the folded paper or paper disk jacket either side of their TOP Disk. That option is highly advised yet not required.
Perform TOP Emissions
You ought Perform TOP Emissions as often as you are able for a period of forty-eight (48) minutes per emission session and may be incorporated with the option of implementing the “lorddao” MP3 Sound File [personal note from Markus: I prefer using a recording I have of the Buddhist Monks chanting OM] during emission and the option of following your TOP Emission by performing a TOP Reiki Crystal Grid Emission.
Ideally, you ought Perform TOP Emissions everyday in a morning and evening session, yet if you are unable to manage that then Perform TOP Emissions whenever you are able. Being so portable, the TOP Disk can be carried with you for you to Perform TOP Emissions during any opportunity you have, even if your session is shorter than the optimal period of forty-eight (48) minutes.
Another option for portability is to keep your updated TOP Disk in your TOP Reiki Crystal Grid and take a photo of that. Then you may Perform TOP Emissions and charge your TOP Reiki Crystal Grid remotely at any time or place by implementing that photo in the Performance of TOP Emissions rather than implementing the TOP Disk or TOP Reiki Crystal Grid directly.
You also ought do your utmost to Perform TOP Emissions for as long and often as you are able during Major Pleiadian Portal and Solar Event Days and any other important days or periods that are alerted to you by the Tora Or Project.
- Preparing and Commencing the TOP Emission
- When performing a TOP Emission, preferably place yourself in a serene surrounding where you will not be disturbed. To be amidst flora when you Perform TOP Emissions may often be ideal.
- You may be in whatever posture is most comfortable to you as you will be meditating and emitting Reiki for forty-eight (48) minutes periods.
- Though there are a variety of postures and mudras one may implement, all that really matters is that you are emitting Reiki to the updated TOP Disk, one way or another.
- Typically, when you Perform TOP Emissions, your TOP Disk would be held within your open palms in prayer posture before your heart chakra or with both open palms overlaying it upon your heart chakra.
- If able, cleanse the area where you will Perform TOP Emissions with a Sage Smudge Stick or another appropriate cleansing fume and then etherically imprint the four Traditional Usui Reiki Symbols (DKM, HSZSN, SHK, CKR only) in the four directions surrounding the area where you will Perform TOP Emissions.
- Then implement the Smudge Stick to cleanse your auric field and seal your heart chakra by imprinting the four Traditional Usui Reiki Symbols (DKM, HSZSN, SHK, CKR only) before placing yourself comfortably to Perform TOP Emissions.
- Performing the TOP Emission
- After having prepared for the TOP Emission, empower your hand chakras by imprinting the four Traditional Usui Reiki Symbols (DKM, HSZSN, SHK and CKR).
- Hold your TOP Disk within your open palms in prayer posture before your heart chakra or with both open palms overlaying it upon your heart chakra and say:
- “I, of the Ammi Shaddai, hereby evoke the Eternal Origin and All Beings Loyal to the Holy Law of the Eternal Origin. I ask for you to be with me as I motivate my emission for the Greater Good of All and the Holy Law of the Eternal Origin.”
- “Om Abba El Ptaah-Ra Vajradhara Yamantaka Dhi”
- “Melek Shamayyim, M’shi’hha M’shi’shi”
- “Torah Ha Razim”
- “Yahweh Shalom Shammah”
- “Yeshiba Zaddikim”
- “Yeshiba Ha Razim”
- “Rokeb Ba Arabot”
- “Yahweh Shalom Shammah”
- “I, of the Ammi Shaddai, hereby emit Reiki to all ideas recorded in the Tora Or File. I motivate my emission for the Greater Good of All and the Holy Law of the Eternal Origin.”
- With your TOP Disk within your open palms in prayer posture before your heart chakra or with both open palms overlaying it upon your heart chakra, proceed to emit Reiki to your TOP Disk for an optimal forty-eight (48) minute period.
- Completing the TOP Emission
- Upon completion, end the TOP Emission by saying:
- “I, of the Ammi Shaddai, thank all beings who have come to my aid during my Tora Or File Emission and release you to your duty.”
- Optional Instructions
- You may optionally implement playing the “lorddao” MP3 Sound File during the TOP Emission as both a psycho-active sound tool and meter for monitoring the period of forty-eight (48) minutes.
- You may optionally perform a TOP Reiki Crystal Grid Emission after you Perform TOP Emissions
- Keep Updated
- Ensure you have subscribed your email address to the Tora Or Project to receive important newsletters and update alerts or, alternately, that you have subscribed to the RSS/XML News Feed URL to receive immediate feeds of new posts from the Tora Or Project.
- Host or Attend TOP Reiki Shares
- TOP Emissions may be performed amoung a regional group of Reiki Healers according to the instructions provided in TOP Reiki Shares.
- All Members of the Tora Or Project are encouraged to host or attend regional TOP Reiki Shares.
For more information visit: