Okuden (Level II)

Second Level of Usui’s Method of Energy Healing

12 to 18 hours @ R3600 (one-on-one training R5400) — Incl. comprehensive manuals, extra notes where applicable, refreshments and certificate.

Okuden is a Japanese word meaning ‘inner teachings’. As the word implies a deeper understanding and connection to Usui Mikao’s teachings is achieved during this course.

This level teaches how to connect to Earth and Heaven energy, the first steps to becoming fully integrated with the universe. This is achieved through the practise of shirushi (symbols) and jumon (mantras). It will enable the student to enhance his/her own energy levels and sensitivity. There are many aspects to the shirushi and jumon which include chanting and visualisation techniques. Rather than being external tools — the focus here is on internal use for spiritual development. Additional Japanese Reiki techniques are offered to assist spiritual growth even further.

For more information about Reiki classes please contact us(click here).

What makes this Reiki Okuden course different?

The Reiki Okuden training include the following:

  • Revision of Reiki I, Q&A to clear up anything that is still not clear from Reiki I
  • Reiki ethics
  • Jumon & Shirushi (mantras and symbols) you will learn how to use symbols to enhance the flow of Reiki and to focus it more on certain areas, or to remove blockages. 3 symbols are taught in the Okuden training
  • Distance healing techniques
  • More ways to balance the chakras
  • Room, house and building cleansing. Removing negative energies from rooms, home and buildings.
  • Half and Full Body Energy Exchange (a cleansing technique that practitioners can include in a treatment)
  • Hesso Chiryo Ho (technique for healing the navel area that practitioners can include in a treatment)
  • Nadete Chiryo Ho (a stroking technique that practitioners can include in a treatment)
  • Seiheki Chiryo Ho (an “upgrade” of Nentatsu Ho that students learned in Reiki Shoden)
  • Reiji Ho (an “upgrade” of the Byosen scan that students learned in Reiki Shoden)
  • Uchite Chiryo Ho (a patting technique that practitioners can include in a treatment)
  • Attunement & Reiju
  • and more…

Also included:

  • Comprehensive manual
  • Extra notes where applicable
  • Reiki Okuden Certificate
  • Refreshments

The course consists of 12 to 18 training hours. Courses run over a 6 week period (mornings or evenings, one lesson per week) or over a Saturday and Sunday (full days). Students are encouraged to work with the energy and to practice the techniques learned. Students are also welcome to contact me at any time during the course or after the course should they need guidance, clarity or advice.

Should you require personalised training, one-on-one training or a weekend course, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

A minimum of 21 days are suggested between Okuden (Level 2) and Shinpiden (Master Level) attunements. This gives your body time to adjust to the new connection to the Reiki Source and it gives the student time for any physical healing that needs to take place after the Okuden attunement.

What makes this Reiki Okuden course different?