Healthy Choice has a range of Herbal Tinctures to cover a number of ailments. To purchase the tinctures, please contact us directly.

1 Herbs
The 1 Herbs tincture contains only one herb, Quassia Amara. Quassia is also known as Gold, because the bark of this tree is golden yellow, likewise the tincture is a bright yellow. This bitter tincture’s main purpose is to activate, balance and support the pancreas, as such, it is a key remedy for diabetes (in combination with 7 Herbs). 1 Herbs has very strong Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antitumour and Vermicide qualities.
This mixture is good for:
- Pancreatic support
- Liver support
- Diabetes
- Sluggish digestion
- Measles
- Diarrhoea
- Fever
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Antifertility
- Antileukemic
- Antitumour
- Vermicide
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Indigestion
- Constipation
2 Herbs
The 2 Herbs tincture contains Artemisia afra and Artemisia absinthiumis. The colloquial name for Artemisia is Wormwood and as the name suggests it is traditionally used to rid the system of intestinal worms and parasites. 2 Herbs is effective at keeping colds and flus at bay. It is a powerful remedy for coughs, fever, headaches and indigestion .
This mixture is good for:
- Coughs
- Colds
- Flu
- Fever
- Earache
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Intestinal worms & parasites
- Tonic
- Liver & gallbladder disease
- Malaria
- Indigestion
- Colic
- Pain
- Insect Bites
- Wounds
3 Herbs
The 3 Herbs tincture contains Urtica dioica, Taraxacum officinale, and Equisetum cannabiumis. It is specially formulated to clean, detoxify and support the liver, kidneys, and blood. It can be used as a general tonic.
This mixture is good for:
- Blood cleanser
- Tonic
- Rheumatic pain
- Fatigue
- Poor appetite
- Eczema
- Prostate problems
- Liver cleanse
- Kidney cleanse
- Dyspepsia
- Constipation
- Fluid retention
- Bronchial troubles
- Asthmatic troubles
4 Herbs
The 4 Herbs tincture contains Alchemilla vulgaris, Matricaria recutita, Mentha piperita, and Foeniculum vulgare and is specially formulated to help the body control weight. The unique formula helps keep stress levels low, help the thyroid glad function properly, speed up metabolism, help digestion and balance hormones.
This mixture is good for:
- Diet
- Slimming
- Weight control
- Satisfy cravings of hunger on fast days
- Eating disorders
- Spastic colon
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Dyspepsia
- Flatulence
- Colic
- Cramps
- Nausea
- Water retention
- Clearing obstructions in the liver, spleen and gallbladder
- Cleaning blood
- Influenza
- Emmenagogue
- Heartburn
- Headache
- Dropsy
- Swelling
5 Herbs
The 5 Herbs tincture contains Piper methysticum, Valeriana officinalis, Ginkgo biloba, Passiflora incarnata, and Matricaria recutita. It is seen as a natural “prozac” without the major side effects. It is used to treat anxiety, stress, depression, panic and insomnia.
This mixture is good for:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Epilepsy
- Nervous agitation
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-septic
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure
- Memory
- Mood swings
- Blood circulation
- Muscle spasms
- Toothache
- Period pains
6 Herbs
The 6 Herbs tincture contains Astragalus, Propinquus officinalis, Ocimum basilicum, Withania somnifera, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Serenoa Repens, and Typha Capensis. This remedy is specially formulated for male health, prostate and libido. It is also good a treating adrenal fatigue and related conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc.
This mixture is good for:
- Fibromyalgia
- Cholesterol
- Weakness
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Stress
- Vitality
- Fertility
- Hormone Balance
- Hot flushes
- Prostate Health
- Libido
- Migraine
- Diarrhoea
- Dysentery
7 Herbs
The 7 Herbs tincture contains Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Leonotis leonurus and is specially formulated as a detoxify and cleanse the body. The mixture heals and cleans all organs and is excellent for curing allergies and alleviating symptoms of allergies. The mixture is also a tonic and is safe to take during pregnancy and while breast feeding.
This mixture is good for:
- Asthma
- Sinusitis
- General tonic
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Skin problems
- Libido
- Allergies
- Coughing
- Bronchitis
- Hair growth
- Diabetes
- Mucus
- Phlegm
- Influenza
- Hypertension
- Headaches
- Colic
- Gout
- Sore throat
- Liver complaints
- Kidney problems
- Head colds
8 Herbs
The 8 Herbs tincture contains Trifolium pratense, Matricaria recutita, Viscum album, Achillea millefolium, Equisetum cannabium, and Calendula officinalis and is specially formulated to help the body fight cancer and lower stress levels. This mixture balances the hormones and is very effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms.
This mixture is good for:
- Cancer
- Ulcers
- Haemorrhage
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Menopause
- Fertility
- Epilepsy
- Fever
- Bleeding piles
- Oedema
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Headache
- Diarrhoea
- Inflammatory pain
- Abscesses
- Neuralgia
- Jaundice
- Varicose veins
9 Herbs
The 9 Herbs tincture contains Agathosma betulina, Salvia officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Thymus vulgaris, and Datura Metel and is specially formulated to lower acid levels in the body and creating an alkaline, healing environment for the body the heal acid related illnesses such as arthritis.
This mixture is good for:
- Arthritis
- Inflammation
- Pain
- Swelling
- Gout
- Headaches
- Heart problems
- Joint pain
- Diuretic
- Digestive tonic
- Urinary antiseptic
- Uterine stimulant
- Hypertension
- Prostatitis and other prostate gland disorders
- Rheumatism
- Muscle spasm
- Motion sickness
- Painful menstruation
10 Herbs — NEW
The 10 Herbs tincture contains Eurycoma longifolia, Tribulus terrestris, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Hypoxis hemerocallidea, and Glycyrrhiza glabra and is specially formulated to boost and support male health, strength and endurance.
This mixture is good for:
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Libido
- Increase testosterone
- Male fertility
- Endurance
- Physical fitness
- Stress release
- Mood
- Bone health
- Muscle development
- Physical recovery
- Andropause and Menopause
- Kidney health
- Blood glucose control
- Heartburn
- Brain function
- Weight control for men
- Immune boost
- Cholesterol
- Asthma
- Tuberculosis
- Liver protection
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Chronic Fatigue
- Detoxification
- Cardiovascular health
19 Herbs
The 19 Herbs tincture contains Rad. Harpagophytum, Sem. Myristicae, Rhiz. Calami, Rhiz. Zedoariae, Electuar. Theriaka, Rad. Rhei Chin., Fol. Sennae, Manna Cannelata, Extr. Aloe Sicc, Rad. Angelicae, Rad. Dictamni Alb., Rad. Gentianae, Myrrha, Terra Sigillata, Fungus Laricis, Rad. Carlinae, Herba Centaurii, Macis Siauw, Rhiz Tormetillae, and Crocus Hispan.
The recipe was found among the writings of the well-known Swedish physician, rector of medicine, Dr. Klaus Samst. He died in his 104th year in a riding accident. His parents and grandparents all reached a patriarchal age.
This mixture is good for:
- “Cure all”
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Indigestion
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Arthritis
- Candida
- Fever
- Sinusitus
- Colds and Flu
- Colic
- Inflammation
- Pock marks
- Warts
- Chapped hands
- Insomnia
- Sore Throat
- Cramps
- Gallbladder
- Liver
- Swelling
- Water retention
- Morning Sickness
- Inflammation
- Anti-parasitic
- Jaundice
- Haemorrhoids
- Muscle spasms
- Cancer
- Wounds
- Scars
- Bruises
- Stress
- Vericose veins
- Tinnitus
- Dissiness
- Brain function
- Memory
- Eye health
- Acne
- Eczema
- Toothache
- Menstruation
- Epilepsy
- Lameness
- Dizziness
- Loss of taste and smell
- Anaemia
- Rheumatism
- Boils
Old Manuscript
(transcript of the Swedish Bitters’ curative power)
- If they are frequently breathed in or sniffed, the base of the skull is moistened or a moistened cloth applied to the head, they dispel pain and dizziness and strengthen the brain and memory.
- They help dim eyes and take away redness and all pain, even if the eyes are inflamed. They rid them of spots and cataracts , if the corners are moistened in time or a moistened piece of cloth is applied to the closed lids.
- Pustulas [ed. note: pimples] and eczema of all kinds, as scabs in the nose or elsewhere on the body, are healed, if they often and well moistened.
- For toothache a tablespoon of these drops is taken with a little water and kept in the mouth for a little while or the aching tooth is moistened. The pain soon eases and the putrefaction disappears.
- Blisters on the tongue or other infirmities of the tongue are frequently moistened with the drops and healing soon occurs.
- If the throat is hot or inflamed, so that food is swallowed with difficulty, these drops are swallowed slowly, morning, noon and evening and they take away the heat and heal the throat.
- For stomach cramps , 1 tablespoon is taken.
- For colic , 3 tablespoons full are taken slowly, one after the other, and relief will soon be felt.
- They rid the body of wind and cool the liver, eliminate all troubles of the intestines and stomach and help constipation.
- An excellent remedy for stomach disorders, if the digestion is faulty or food cannot be kept down.
- They are beneficial for pain in the gall bladder. 1 tablespoonful daily in the morning and evening and at night, compresses and soon all pain will disappear.
- For dropsy [ed. note: edema], 1 tablespoonful in white wine is taken in the morning and evening for 6 weeks.
- For pain and buzzing in the ear a piece of cotton wool is moistened and put into the ear. It is very beneficial and brings back lost hearing.
- For morning sickness , 1 tablespoon of the drops in red wine is given in the morning for 3 days, half an hour later a walk is taken, then breakfast, but no milk.
- In the last 14 days of pregnancy if 1 tablespoon of the drops is taken mornings and evenings, it promotes the birth. For easy expelling of the afterbirth, a teaspoonful is given every 2 hours, until the afterbirth is expelled without pain.
- If, after a birth when the milk dries up, inflammation develops, it quickly subsides if a moistened piece of cloth is applied.
- They expel worms, even tapeworms, in children and adults, the amount taken by children being according to age. A piece of cloth moistened with drops is applied to the navel and kept moist.
- They rid children of pustulas. The children are given these drops according to age, diluted with water. If the pustulas start to dry up they are moistened frequently with these drops and no scars will develop.
- For jaundice very soon all complaints disappear, if 1 tablespoon of these drops is taken 3 times daily and compresses are applied to the swollen liver.
- They open all haemorrhoids, heal the kidneys, rid the body of all unnecessary liquids without further treatment, taking away melancholy and depression and improve appetite and digestion.
- Haemorrhoids are reduced, if, in the beginning, they are moistened frequently and if the drops are taken internally, especially before going to bed, they soften the haemorrhoids. Externally, a cotton ball moistened with the drops is applied. It makes the remaining blood flow and relieves the burning.
- If someone has fainted, open his mouth if required, give him 1 tablespoon of the drops and he will come to.
- This remedy rids you of the pain of spasm (cramps) so that it will cease in time.
- For consumption take them daily in the morning on an empty stomach and continue the treatment for 6 weeks.
- If the menstrual flow ceases for a woman or is too heavy, she takes these drops 3 days and repeats it 20 times. They will, what is too much, quieten and, what is too little, even out.
- This remedy also helps cure “whites” [ed. note: malignant, parasitic-like condition].
- If someone is afflicted with epilepsy, he has to be given these drops on the spot and he should then take this remedy exclusively, since it strengthens the affected nerves as well as the body and rids it of all sickness.
- They heal lameness and rid you of dizziness and indisposition.
- They heal also hot pustulas and erysipelas [ed. note: inflammation of the skin caused by Streptococcus bacterium].
- If someone has fever, be it hot or cold, and is very weak, he is given 1 tablespoonful of the drops and the patient, if he is not overloaded with other medications, will in a short time come to, the pulse will start to beat again and the fever, no matter how high it was, will pass and the patient will soon be better.
- The drops also heal cancer, old pock marks, warts and chapped hands. If the wound is old or festering or proud flesh has developed, everything is washed well with white wine and a piece of cloth moistened with the drops is laid upon it.
- They heal, without danger, all wounds, be they from a stab or a hit, if they are moistened frequently. A piece of cloth is taken, moistened with the drops and the wounds covered therewith. They take away the pain in a short time, permit no blemish or putrefication and heal also old wounds which are caused by a shot. If there are holes, the drops are sprinkled into the wound which need not necessarily be cleaned beforehand. Through repeated applying of the moistened cloth healing occurs in a short time.
- They take away scars, even if very old, wounds and cuts if moistened up to 40 times with them. All the wounds heal and leave no scars.
- They heal all fistulas, even if they seem incurable, be they as old as may be.
- They heal all burns and scalds, be they caused by fire, hot water or fat, if the injuries are moistened frequently. No blisters form, the heat is taken out and even festering blisters are healed.
- They serve against swellings and bruises, be they caused by a blow or a fall.
- If someone cannot eat with appetite, they bring back the lost taste.
- In anaemia they bring back the lost color, if taken for a period in the morning. They cleanse the blood and form new blood and promote circulation.
- Rheumatic pains in the limbs are eased if the drops are taken morning and evening and a moistened cloth is applied to the aching parts.
- They heal frost bitten hands and feet, even if there are open parts, if a moistened cloth is applied as often as possible, but especially at night.
- For corns, a cotton ball, moistened with the drops, is applied and kept moist. After three days the corns fall out or can be removed painlessly.
- They heal too bites of mad dogs and other animals, if taken internally, since they heal and destroy all poison. A moistened cloth is laid upon the wounds.
- For plague and other infectious diseases it is well to take them repeatedly since they heal plague boils and swellings even if already in the throat.
- He who cannot sleep at night takes these drops before going to bed. For nervous sleeplessness a piece of cloth moistened with diluted drops is laid upon the heart.
- A drunk can be sober on the spot with two tablespoonfuls.
- He who takes these drops mornings and evenings daily needs no further medication, since they strengthen the body, tone up the nerves and the blood, take away the trembling of the hands and feet. In short they take away all illness. The body stays supple, the face young and beautiful.
Important: All stated amounts of Swedish Bitters should be taken diluted with herb tea or water.
The Sutherlandia tincture contains Sutherlandia Frutescens. This powerful herb and is specially formulated to help the body fight cancer and lower stress levels. This mixture balances the hormones and is very effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms.
This mixture is good for:
- Mental and Emotional Stress
- Depression
- Post-Flu Debility
- Flu
- Tonic
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Heartburn
- Gastritis
- Reflux
- Oesophagitis
- Peptic Ulceration
- Constipation (in higher doses)
- Diarrhoea
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Gonorrhoea
- Cystitis
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Cancer
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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Disclaimer: These complimentary medicines have not been evaluated by the medicines control council. These complimentary medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.