Step into your full potential with 22 Strand DNA Activation.
The Physical DNA
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is found in the heart of each cell of our bodies. Inside the nucleus of each cell, DNA forms 46 distinct chromosomes, which usually appear in the form of 23 pairs. Each chromosome is composed of multiple genes, which in turn are each responsible for either a function or a specific biological characteristic. To transmit its messages or instructions to the cells, DNA uses RNA (ribonucleic acid), which acts like a “telephone.”
DNA generates an electric current and, as a result, works like a small motor. Just as an electrical current travelling through a loop creates its own magnetic field, the DNA spiral, which curls back on itself, is sensitive to magnetic influences.
Another interesting DNA characteristic is that it emits light in the form of biophotons. This light, although extremely dim (its luminosity is equivalent to that of a candle seen from ten kilometres away), is highly consistent and regular, meaning that it works in phases, like lasers.

The best way to visualize the basic structure of our DNA is by first imagining a very long ladder with hundreds of thousands of steps. This ladder is “twisted” until its steps form a double spiral, otherwise known as a double helix. This double helix is also “twisted” and resembles a tangled-up telephone cord.
The ladder sides are chains of molecules of simple sugar and phosphate, and the steps are formed of four nucleic acids: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G).
The four nucleic acids form pairs, and are organised in a set order: adenine (A) is always paired up with thymine (T) and together form either the AT or TA pair. Cytosine (C) is always paired up with guanine (G) to form the CG or GC pair. The nucleic acid pairs (AT or TA and CG or GC) then group into threes to form a coding unit called a codon. The “AT GC TA” chain, for example, constitutes a codon. Since nucleic acid pairs always gather in groups of three, there are 64 different possible combinations.

Codons themselves form a “code” or, more precisely, a gene. A gene can be made up of only a few codons or of several tens of thousands of them.
In turn, genes group together to form a chromosome. A chromosome can include only a few genes or several thousand. Finally, the totality of all genes present in an organism, or the complete genetic code that sends out all the desired instructions to create and maintain all possible life, is called the genome.
DNA contains our ancestral and racial imprints, including codes that determine skin, hair and eye color, blood type, height and all other imaginable human traits. It creates different fingerprints for each person and is responsible for our strengths and natural abilities, as well as our hereditary diseases and congenital malformations. To realize the full potential of DNA, all you have to do is compare it to our super powerful computers, which function according to a binary system, alternating between only two numbers (or “letters”)—0 and 1. Our DNA is even more powerful than these computers as it functions on a quaternary basis (the four letters A, T, G and C). In other words, gathered within the genetic material of each of our cells, is a database of extraordinary, almost unimaginable proportions.
Scientists have observed that DNA waves can be modified depending on the state of the observer’s mind. For example, the spiral can shrivel up if we are in a state of weakness or depression, or become longer if we are in a state of creativity or happiness. This means that even the scientific world recognizes how our thoughts influence the physical conformation of DNA.
Junk or Random DNA
According to scientists only 3% of our genetic combinations are active in our genetic code and the other 97% are latent. Our genetic heritage contains desert-like spaces between, and inside, our genes.
This means that scientists still do not know the purpose of 97% of our genetic code! This part of our DNA, which comprises only a few genes mainly grouped into “lots,” is overlooked by scientists, who first baptised it as junk or random DNA, which basically means haphazard, rubbish or useless DNA. Then, it was re-baptised as non-coding DNA. Finally, since junk or random DNA does not produce protein, it was also named non-protein DNA. In other words, we know very little about this vast “desert-like territory” that constitutes 97% of our genetic code. For some scientists, these DNA strands seem to be illogical and do not provide any relevant information. For biologists, this part of our DNA could very well hold information on the origins of human life, including the secrets of our history.

How DNA Activation works
The DNA Activation session consists of a number or energetic clearing techniques to prepare the etheric body for work to be done. Once the etheric body is ready the DNA Activation is done.
Part of our DNA is made up of our original lost codes which are hidden somewhere in an unexplored zone that scientists call junk or random DNA; another part was programmed by our biological ancestors, through the generations; and yet another section was shaped by our parents and environment before we were old enough to have any choice in the matter. We were mostly subconsciously programmed by our earlier experiences. We tend to naturally go back to the latter, our unconscious “by-default” programs.
To break away from our unconscious by-default programs, we must make conscious choices. That means working with conscious intentions rather than by-default intentions. A conscious intention is equivalent to clicking the control panel of our computer and choosing different settings from those installed by default. In other words, we must become similar to the independent programmers who created Linux and develop new programs in our DNA.
For best results three Activations are required to fully anchor and seal the work. A DNA Activation takes 120 minutes per session. Each Activation takes you deeper and further towards your true potential.