Quantum Epigenetics

How Quantum Epigenetics Work

An intention is a command spoken out loud regarding the state in which we want to be. Stating an intention is a responsible action that allows individuals to regain control over their lives. Therefore, an intention is a sentence (a command) that states a new program to be installed within us and includes its unconscious, negative “by-default” counterpart. The first step to understanding and learning how to use intention is to leave behind wishful thinking and old programs which lead us to think that better times will come on their own. Instead, we must adopt the position of a programmer who knows how to use his or her doubts and weaknesses as the negative pole of a magnet, and perceive his or her active choices as the positive pole, in order to magnetize and command new possibilities. In reprogramming DNA, we will have to create new programs, and we shall do that through intention at the zero point of these two polarities.

Part of our DNA is made up of our original lost codes which are hidden somewhere in an unexplored zone that scientists call junk or random DNA; another part was programmed by our biological ancestors, through the generations; and yet another section was shaped by our parents and environment before we were old enough to have any choice in the matter. We were mostly subconsciously programmed by our earlier experiences. We tend to naturally go back to the latter, our unconscious “by-default” programs.

To break away from our unconscious by-default programs, we must make conscious choices. That means working with conscious intentions rather than by-default intentions. A conscious intention is equivalent to clicking the control panel of our computer and choosing different settings from those installed by default. In other words, we must become similar to the independent programmers who created Linux and develop new programs in our DNA.

31 Protocols

The Quantum Epigenetics work consists of 31 programmes / protocols designed to work specifically on the 13 helixes of the DNA. The practitioner tests through the protocols to see what is needed for the client at the time and for the intention. Usually 3 to 4 programmes can be completed in an hour session. At the end of the session the practitioner will test to see if another session is needed for the intention / goal.

Depending on your goal or intention you would need a different combination of protocols. It does not mean that you need all 31 programmes for your specific intention or goal.

Quantum Epigenetics can be done in person or remotely. For remote balances you may choose to be online at the time or not. Quantum Epigenetics works on the quantum level.


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