Abeiez Tachyon Pendants
This tube torus shape is very gentle in its energy application. It assists in clearing and resolving ancient energy blockages. It has a calming effect when worn.
It is useful when used over a painful area where it can be taped into position for as long as required.

This shape holds strong potential for those who wish to connect with their inherent spirituality. In so doing it can promotes one’s personal growth and sensitivity.

Spiral Sun
The Spiral sun sets up an energy field with a vortex of energy drawn into it. This energy field allows for the intake or release of energy from the body as is appropriate. It allows the body to create what it needs from this energy field. This is a torus shaped pendant and one of the most powerful shapes in the Universe.

Tree of Life
This pendant shape is based on the Tree of Life and is may be used for clearing emotional and mental blocks. It assists in awakening potentials of the past present and future. This is the shape that contains the strongest creative principles.

Orb Tachyon Pendants
Corona Orb
This is the first pendant in the Orb range, the Geometric design having been channelled directly from the Order of Archangel Michael and now with assistance from the Ray Masters and other Archangels. This is a pendant for these difficult times.Also known as the Orb of Protection and Growth.

Cosmic Voice Orb
The Cosmic Voice expands your personal frequency that is sent to the centre of our Galaxy from where it is returned to you with the additional frequencies of Source.
The two squares represent the worlds of Reality and Illusion allowing one to differentiate between the two.

Cosmic Lens Orb
Wearing this pendant allows one to work within Cosmic Order and insert greater values of this Higher Order onto this planet.
The Cosmic Lens assists in connecting the left/right brain function allowing one to become receptive to a Divine Calling held within the Higher Light which is available to those wishing to use this for Universal application.

Cosmic Body Orb
The Cosmic Body brings our body into wholeness and helps us retain the higher vibrations we need.

Cosmic Soul Orb
This Orb allows one to heal at Soul level and move back in consciousness through all incarnations, correcting that which needs healing.
It heightens the senses and allows for clarity of thought, enhancing one’s innate healing abilities and talents.
Individuals who wear this Orb will notice becoming extremely sensitive to harmonics. Should one be in an area of disharmony, one will quickly move into a more harmonious area.

Merkaba Orb
The Star tetrahedron is a symbol of balance, synergy and integration. It
assists in balancing one’s mind and understanding of things. It is the union
of opposites which can take you on a journey of harmony and balance.
The Star Tetrahedron Field around the physical body is known as your Merkaba
Field which when activated can provide protection of all types.

Five Trees Orb
This Orb is designed to assist in helping us cope with the huge energy influx onto this planet and which affects the entire Solar System.
Five Trees is a metaphor for the Five Bodies of man — Acts of Thomas, Chapter 27 speaks of hauna (sanity), mad’a (reason), re’yana (mindfulness), mahshebhatha (imagination), tar’itha (intention) – these are considered the Five Manifestations of the Father of Greatness which may provide the clue to the meaning of the Five Trees.

Antahkarana Orb
This Orb has a positive effect on the chakra system and Auric Field. It aids in supporting those who practice the healing arts as well as supporting those who are working on healing themselves.
It assists in bridging the gap between the physical mind and the Higher Self hence the name Rainbow Bridge. This tachyon can therefore also be used in meditation as it helps to bring Wisdom and Clarity into one’s life.

Sri Yantra Orb
Wearing this design and doing short meditations with the diagram often is beneficial, as it may stimulate the Pineal Gland. In meditation by contemplating the different triangles (tetrahedrons) and working toward the central point you will be guided into a meditative state. This state helps one to connect to the higher levels of Spirituality.

Angelic Orb of Cherubim and Archangels
We are supported by the vibrations of the above Angels through this Orb. The Heart Chakra is activated and feelings of calm and support immediately flow through you.
You move into a place of perfection/equilibrium/balance. The mental body moves into a state of “kindness towards all”. Restful sleep, astral travel and lucid dreaming can be expected if the Orb is next to the bed. Altered states are rapidly achieved by holding this Orb between the hands when meditating.

Orb of Metatron, Melchizidek and Lord Michael (MMM)
This Angel Orb depicts three Vesica Pisces each containing a circle.
A Vesica Pisces brings in Higher Light. Acircle indicate completion. The time has come for us to work with the Higher expressions of MMM group to raise our own vibrations as well as those of this planet.
Metatron, Melchizidek and Michael are shown as three expressions of the Infinite Creator, all contained within the larger double circle around the design. The circle in each Vesica Pisces is indicative that these three energy expressions are seen as complete in their expression and connection to God.
The central dot is once again the heart centre from which we all need to work to stay actively connected to these three significant Higher Energies.
Using and meditating with this orb connects one to the energy expression of the MMM-group, which will allow one to interface with this extremely High Energy.