“Happening to Me?”

“Happening to Me?”

Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense?

Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason?

Or perhaps in going through what you consider to be a normal day, at times you feel as if you simply cannot keep your eyes open, like sleep is simply begging you to come and be with it?

Does life at times seem empty and without meaning, even when you’re doing things that you used to love?

Welcome to the ascension process, and the symptoms that many experience along that path. The primary thing to know is that you are not alone, and things will get better.

For those folks who’ve been aware of and consciously involved with ascension, these physical and emotional experiences are all too familiar. Some of these folks have been experiencing the changes for some time, or may have even passed through them by now. For some this may go back a decade or two or even more.

For me personally, I experienced many of these symptoms years before I knew what was going on. No one else in my circle of family, friends, and associates was experiencing what I was. It was a frightening and lonely place to be. If I had known what was happening it would have been so much easier.

Fortunately, enough people have travelled down this road that now there’s a fair amount of information, and more being generated. With the knowledge gained through the trials and travails of those who’ve gone before, and as we continue to discover more of what the ascension journey entails on physical and emotional levels, we can offer each other support, understanding, and solace.

When confronted with these unusual and often unwanted experiences, the first thing we typically want to know is “why?”

Why are these things happening?

You may have heard it said that we’re shifting from carbon-based beings to crystaline-based beings. Perhaps you’ve heard that there’s more to our DNA than we have thought or that science has thus far been able to discover; that what we were told were the “junk” parts of our DNA are being reactivated. Maybe you’ve heard people talking about Pineal Activations and similar things.

These concepts are all very real, and even our physical sciences are beginning to be aware of them. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova Earth we’re building, it’s Nova Human as well.

The subject is far too complex to delve deeply into in this discussion, but here’s a smattering of what’s been said about the changes our bodies are going through:

Matthew tells us that “it is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density.” (1)

Steve Rother and the group add:

“If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant, insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures.” (2)

Archangel Michael and St. Germain commented:

“You eventually will not have the carbon-based bodies you have now; they will evolve into crystalline bodies and further along the path, light bodies, with less and less need for physical food to sustain you. Your energy will come directly from Source light and love. You have the ability to tune into this energy now as well. It is just that many of you are not aware of it.” (3)

And this from Mira the Pleiadian:

“As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms. We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.

“This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.” (4)

Some of the physical parts of our body that are being activated or enhanced include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus gland, and the vagus nerve. While there’s some disagreement about exactly what the changes involve and what they mean, more information about these changes is becoming available all the time.

But one thing is certain: changes are afoot and our bodies are experiencing them, exhibiting symptoms that may or may not make any sense to us. It can be a frightening experience, often feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under us physically, emotionally, or both.

It can be frightening to not know from one moment to the next what the heck is going on, or feeling like something is going wrong.

At the very least, we know that what we’re experiencing is part of a natural evolutionary process, but a process that has been speeded up. A lot. Instead of an evolution that takes centuries or even millennia, we’re living through an evolution that will unfold in a much smaller timeframe – perhaps a few centuries for the full process, perhaps a few decades for significant parts of it.

It all rather depends on how well we integrate the changes, and how willing we are as a group consciousness to welcome these changes rather than fear them or even fight them.

It’s rather challenging, is it not, to see what’s going on with the cleansing process from inside the washing machine? Inside the machine all we know is that we’re being buffeted about, sometimes gently sometimes not so gently. It’s only when we stand outside the machine – examine the process from a different perspective – that we can say “Oh, yes, I see that the clothes are agitating, but I also see that the agitation is getting them clean. Carry on.”

I hope that this discussion will help you to find that different perspective.

About Ascension Symptoms

Many ascension symptoms are simply the body’s way of communicating what it’s experiencing in the only way it knows how. For example, you might physically experience being very tall or giant-like for a few moments or hours. I experienced this off and on over a period of several years. This is the body’s way of interpreting, through physicality, our energetic expansion.

No matter what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time, at some point – through loving yourself, through understanding and through not resisting the process – “this too shall pass”.

And when it does, you, like the beautiful butterfly that you are, will emerge from your human, third/fourth density cocoon and be able to truly spread your wings and fly.

In the meantime, be kind to yourself. Be gentle, be understanding, be compassionate. Be your own best friend and take good care of you. Rest. Relax. Enjoy.

When you’re in the throes of an unwanted experience, find your center, breathe consciously, drink lots of water – energized with your own intent if you’re willing to believe in your own mastery.

Seek help from those who have gone before and those who are going through it with you. Remember that we’re all in this together.

If an experience feels overwhelming, ask your Guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, whoever you’re most comfortable turning to for support, to dial it down, or to help you through it. They can intercede with the energy and help you achieve a balance.

As with everything, your own discretion is paramount. If you feel that your symptoms indicate something more profound, or you are fearful of what you’re experiencing, it makes sense to consult a medical professional. Even if the test results show nothing, at least you’ll feel relieved, and your relief is all important.

The following list of ascension symptoms and comments comes from Karen Bishop, from a piece excerpted from her book The Ascension Primer. (5)

Karen had graciously offered the full excerpt in PDF form, which at one time could be downloaded from the internet free of charge. However, I’m unable to find that PDF posted anywhere at this time, not even on her new site at Gamma Books. (6)

Nevertheless it’s one of the most informative and complete list of symptoms I’ve found, and it is with appreciation and honor to Karen Bishop for her work that I re-post that information here.

List of Common Ascension Symptoms

Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress

This is one of the first ascension feelings that a person usually feels. In the beginning, when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a new and higher vibration. Old patterns and behaviors are being pushed to the surface for release.

Feeling all this pressure going on inside of you can feel like great stress or that you are on overload. If you are still in a conventional life with mainstream pressures, this New energy can really add to your pile. You will eventually adjust to this higher vibration and much will be activated for release within you as well. More room inside for more of the higher energy!


This symptom is most definitely in the top three and very widely experienced. The ascension process purges so much of the darker and denser energies from us, that we find ourselves in them for quite some time. We may feel like things are simply never going to get better. And to add insult to injury, the outer world is no longer in alignment with the new, higher vibrating you.

It doesn’t feel so good out there and it might feel like there is nowhere to go that does. Therefore everything around us feels just plain ugly and icky. And in addition, when we are vibrating higher and have to wait for the outside to manifest itself in a higher way of being it can seem like it is taking forever. Feeling let down and like things will never change are so very common. This is a long process. An upside-down reality, world, and human are both having to turn right side up.

There is a jewel in the length of the process though, and a necessary and perfectly intended by-product. We cannot create from the ego. We have to get to a place where we are OK no matter what is going on. Feeling disappointment for what seems like forever eventually makes us realize that we will never get anything that we cannot live without.

When we learn to detach and release all attachments, we always get precisely what we want. It is like magic and a very key part of the ascension process to let go of all attachments. When we arrive in this space, we are truly in heaven as nothing can affect us here and we also get whatever we desire, even though we desire nothing. This is a true symptom of “arriving” and one can only feel total peace from this point on.

Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria

When our egos begin to depart, they literally freak out as they do not want to cease to exist. It may feel as if everything is ending (most of everything is!). Your system is also on overload and you may feel as if you are hyperventilating. Things are happening that you may not understand.

You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. When we experience death in a 3D world we can panic and have anxiety as we do not know where we are going.

When I went through “the big leap” I knew I was “going.” My non-physical ascension guide told me to trust and relax, as it was really quite peaceful on the other side. None-the-less, with no frame of reference if was difficult. Now, I totally trust and go with all of it and it greatly helps. When you finally “arrive” you will feel much love, safety, and unity. Just wait! And know that others are going where you are going – you are not going alone.

A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar

A craving for protein. This is another of the first symptoms that is felt by many. Our bodies are using up an incredible amount of fuel for this process.

As we are literally being turned inside-out, every ounce of energy that we have is being utilized. I have found it best to eat the protein along with being still during this time. These low blood sugar periods come and go for several years, but get much better as our bodies begin adjusting.

Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body

This is another of the most common symptoms. Manifesting just about anywhere, this is a sign of purifying and releasing blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level while other parts of us are vibrating higher. You may feel pain in various parts of your body for several weeks and then it will simply vanish with no explanation.

Continual neck and upper back stiffness and pain

We are sprouting angel wings and this is where they are emerging. Sounds a bit fairy tale-ish, but this is a reality. Our spines are vibrating differently and also connecting to a higher form of light. This area of our body is where it all happens.

Skin eruptions and diarrhea

Acne, rashes, and hives, etc. usually arrive when we are in the purging process and adjusting to a higher energy. Rashes are fairly common and diarrhea can last for weeks and even months. If a doctor visit proves you are OK, fiber can really help until this phase ends. And during it all, you still won’t lose weight!

Heart pain and palpitations

These symptoms are common for many. Our hearts are trying to accommodate a new and higher frequency. At times you can feel as though you are having a heart attack.

When I experienced this phase, I had to literally lie still as any movement added too much stress to my already overstressed heart. An ER visit assured me that all was OK, but it certainly did not feel like it.

In addition, whenever I had a low vibrational thought or fear during this time, my heart would literally grip and stop beating. It was wild, but not a medical condition, and it eventually passed. Our hearts are where we will be coming from and connecting from in the New world, and they must be in alignment as well.

Periods of very deep sleeping

When the energy is not moving and we are done for awhile, we get to rest. While we are integrating and preparing for the next phase of intense moving energy, we become very lethargic. It can become near impossible to keep your eyelids open in the daylight hours and daytime napping can become a regular and necessary habit.

Even if you think you can exercise your way back into some energy, you will usually find yourself dropping dead on the sofa at every effort.

Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping

Our emotions are what carries the energy. When we are falling apart (and we are doing just that), we can get pretty emotional.

When we are releasing, we can cry at the drop of a hat. A sad movie can make us cry, or even a sad commercial. We can cry when we experience kindness. We can cry when we feel relief. We can cry when we see any kind of suffering.

These tears are a great cleanser and releaser. I always know when some New energy has arrived because I can simply cry while I am driving along in the car. This seems to be an on-going symptom that is here to stay for awhile. But at least it is fairly painless!

[I have always been extremely sensitive to different energies, and crying at commercials, films, watching others interact in loving ways, has been common throughout my life. I’ve taken a fair amount of teasing and occasionally been admonished for this behavior, so I understand it and have compassion for it. It’s a wonderful thing to see so many hearts opening up, feeling love and compassion so deeply that their emotions are engaged to such a degree.]

Night sweats and hot flashes

During certain phases of ascension our bodies suddenly decide that they are going to burn off the lower and denser aspects of ourselves. You may wake up in the night soaking wet or become very hot during the day. It may be 0°C outside, but you are just fine and dandy in your short sleeves.

Feeling cold with an inability to get warm

When we are moving into a much higher dimension after much integrating, detoxing, and other ascension processes, we get very cold. We are in between and preparing to move up.

At these times it can be very difficult to warm up no matter what you do. I usually submerge myself in a tub of hot water and then get under a heavy comforter.

Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams

We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through our dreams. If you are one who receives their higher information through dreams, you will likely do a lot of releasing at night. I consider you to  be lucky, as some are doing much of their releasing when they are awake.

These dreams usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you can usually figure them out. These acid-trip-like dreams are up and visible because they contain energy that’s on its way out, never to return. Through this process we are releasing all of our past lives.

Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning

The definition of Merkabah is counter-rotating fields of light surrounding the spirit/body which serve to transport the spirit/body from one dimension to another. And this is precisely what is occurring.

As we connect to our light bodies and begin moving into a higher dimension, we begin spinning and can experience vertigo and dizziness. If you know that this symptom indicates that something wonderful is happening it can be quite fun…like a roller coaster ride.

[Ed. Note: Sitting or lying down, along with grounding and circular breathing through such periods is also extremely helpful.]

Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue

Our bodies are morphing into a crystalline form in order to enable us to reside in the higher realms and to continually be able to receive the higher light. This process is on-going and it cannot happen overnight. If you feel as though you are 100 years old and barely able to walk across the room, this is why.

Continual fatigue is also an on-going symptom for the same reasons. We are losing our density and going through extreme restructuring.

Gritty eyes and blurred vision

Very simply, our eyes are adjusting to see in a new way, in a higher dimension and a new reality.

[Ed. Note: Friends have reported experiencing this symptom, followed a marked improvement in vision. I’ve experienced a moderate but appreciated improvement in my own vision. This symptom continues for me, and I’m looking forward to greater improvements!]

Memory loss and difficulty accessing words

So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each other. “I was having a glass of…you know what I mean…that white stuff…uh…what’s it called?” “Did you watch the…er…that event where everyone competes from around the world?”

At times we cannot talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of anything. When this occurs you are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing disconnect.

Another somewhat related occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.

Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before

In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist.

Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.

Not remembering the meaning of anything

When I was in an intense period of the transitional process and we were in the throes of a substantial energy thrust into the higher realms, I remember looking at a trash can and not knowing what it was for. I had to access my memory of the “old” and reach far.

What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where everything possesses only the meaning and identity that we give it. In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning. All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course in Miracles undoing process, without the trying.

[Ed. Note: When this happened to me, I had just sat down at my computer and I couldn’t remember how to use the keyboard. I sat there looking at like it was an alien thing. Eventually I remembered that it was supposed to somehow get information from my brain into the computer, but I didn’t know how to go about it. 

At some point I recall thinking “This is ridiculous, I know that I know how to use this thing!” so I put my hands over the keys and tried to make them move. My fingers felt like big sausages, heavy and stiff. All my mental efforts to make them do something was to no avail. Fortunately I knew enough not to panic, and the feeling passed after a few (long!) minutes, but it was profoundly strange while it was happening.]

A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place

“Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!” Ever had this conversation with the Universe!?

You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet.

You won’t have much time to integrate though, because as soon as you get comfortable you will be moving on into the next higher vibrating space. And in addition, the outside world does not remotely match the way you are now highly vibrating.

A loss of identity

You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to your physical vessel.

As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form. In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order…you are OK.

Feeling ‘out of body’

The same explanation as above. The physical body is the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our bodies, as our bodies are not there yet. They are much denser.

[Ed. Note: Again, grounding and circular breathing through such periods is extremely helpful. This ascension process is about being IN the physical body and assisting the body in its journey into higher vibrational frequencies. So continuing to stay grounded in the body and grounded to the Earth cannot be stressed enough.]

‘Seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things

As we can now access different dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there. Many also experience ringing in the ears, which is common when we are going through “the tunnel” and accessing a higher dimension.

Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can be a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs of color as well.

[Ed. Note: Many of our multidimensional capabilities are coming back online – clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. – so these are some of the more energizing and exciting changes to experience!] 

Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort

We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone.

This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

Feeling as though you are looking down a long tunnel in order to connect to lower vibrations; feeling as though you are acting or pretending

When we are residing in the higher realms, anything not there with us may feel far away. If you are still in a lifestyle where you are regularly interacting with the outside or old world, you may feel like an actor in a play or that you are pretending your way through the day. Basically, you are no longer residing in that world, even though you are still involved in it.

[Ed. Note: People bumping into you is another clue. Sometimes when you’re out and about you’ll notice that there are people who are not even seeing you. There’s a slight shifting of dimensions wherein you can see them but you’re slightly out of vibrational alignment with them and they don’t see you.]

An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D), reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel ‘sick’ inside

When we begin arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies are no longer in alignment with the old, outside 3D world. Through a severe intolerance to the old, we are being “pushed” to move forward…to be and create the New.

In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone, as much of everything “out there” no longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright awful.

It is similar to having to “go back” after you have had a near death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for long, as it is difficult to drop our vibration down in order to reside there.

This is a simple experience of navigating the dimensional hierarchies. We will eventually become experts with our dimensional navigational skills.

You don’t feel like doing anything

You are in a rest period, ‘rebooting’. Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as though you have lost your passion and joy and don’t know what in the world you want to do with your life and don’t really care! This phase occurs when we are realigning.

At higher levels much is realigning as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing.

Ask the Universe to bring you what you want while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not feel like it at times.

Those in the physical going through this process are very highly revered by all the cosmos. We are most certainly being watched over.

A wanting to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don’t belong here anymore

As we’re returning to Source, everything is over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New World.) Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.

We are basically done with our prior incarnation that involved raising the frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser energies through ourselves. Now we don’t have to do that anymore and may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that experience.

What is coming next is simply divine and does not remotely resemble the first phase.

A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences

One of the most basic and prevalent experiences in the higher realms invloves the Law of Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies. This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always be matched with what and how we are vibrating.

As we go higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the ascension process we evolving beyond what we used to be, and therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our vibration simply leave our space.

This can sometimes occur rather dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from the inability to relate to them like we used to. When an energy shift occurs, it can feel as though a bomb has been dropped and everything in our world has been scattered from here to there.

Eventually we realign with the New. When the New arrives, you will feel so-o-o-o much better!

You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful

Same as above. You’re no longer a fit and it’s time to move on to a much higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.

Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction

When this occurs, your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do! Your soul is breaking your rut choices and vibration. Our souls always know more than we do.

During January of 2006, we experienced what I dubbed “ascension shock.” At higher levels we had a specific plan and timeline. If we were a bit behind, we ended up experiencing our pre-plan whether we were ready or not. This placed us in sudden and immediate new circumstances so that we would be poised for what we needed to do next.

Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m.

Much is going on in your dream state. You can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the ‘cleansing and releasing’ hour.

[Ed. Note: Steve Rother has referred to this phenomenon as “the 3:00 AM club” (7) due to the high numbers of people reporting that they are or have been waking at exactly 3 am. He also notes, as did Seth, that sleeping patterns in general will be changing from one long sleep period to 3 hours of sleep, then 2 hours of wakefulness, followed by 2 or 3 more hours of sleep. 

Steve adds: “When we awaken  in the middle of the night we’re not only in enhanced awareness, but we’re also in an enhanced state of creation. In this state, our ability to transform our thoughts into reality is greatly increased. The challenge is to become conscious of what we are thinking about, and therefore what we are creating. Instead many simply allow their thoughts to flow from them by default, thereby creating realities that are not really to their liking.” (8)

Meaning .. if you worry about not being able to sleep, and worry during this period that you are going to be tired in the morning because you can’t get enough rest, you’ll only be adding to the likelihood that you are going to be tired in the morning. 

A much more useful plan is to enjoy the enhanced creativity and tell yourself instead that you’re going to be invigorated and energized by this period of heightened awareness and creativity. Then be amazed at the result!]

Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings

Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.

[Ed. Note: This was a prolonged and extremely difficult period for me to weather, exacerbated by not knowing why I was feeling this way. Crowds were intolerable for me, as were bright lights and loud noises of any kind. I have always been less tolerant of this type of external stimulus than most, but I was totally unprepared for just how sensitive I would become. 

As I have travelled the path, though, this behavior has cleared to such a degree that I am far more tolerant of external stimuli than before the ascension symptoms began. It does get better!]

You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many ‘worst nightmare’ aspects to it

Your soul is guiding you into ‘stretching’ into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into ‘toning down’ aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself.

Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren’t ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.

Other symptoms:

Humming and/or ringing in the ears

This is not Tinnitus, though it feels like it might be.

“The other thing that will be happening very soon as a result of all the things that you are moving through, is that your ears will take another step into change. Some of you will hear ringing that will go on and on and on and on. Take it as a vibrational imprint for it simply means that you are vibrating in harmonics with a new alternate reality which is very close to yours.” (9)

From Archangel Michael

“Oh, do not think that you cannot hear the sound of your collective or of your planet! You are always hearing the sound of the universe, that high-pitched ringing in your ears.” (10)

Steve Beckow devoted an entire article to these humming and ringing sensations noting:

“So if you’re hearing the blessed sound of Aum as a ringing in your ears, rejoice. Welcome it. Talk to it. Say, ‘Hello, Mother. What are your wishes for me today?’ or ‘What are you bringing me today?’ Listen to it and allow it to grow within your consciousness. Hearing the sound of the universal motor is a great blessing indeed.” (11)

Denise LeFay lists a few symptoms not previously covered(12):

  1. repeated intense inner body heat “hot flashes”, hands and/or bottoms of feet extremely hot, spine, back, head, entire body heat
  2. extreme sweating with every Kundalini hot flash
  3. repeated cold flashes, inner body cold spots, certain chakra areas turn cold for periods
  4. inner body electrical-like vibrations, buzzing, inner shaking, slowly moving inner energy vibrations
  5. extra electricity in your body, constantly getting zapped when you touch things
  6. muscle spasms, twitching, itching, strange sensations on or under the skin, nerve sensitivity
  7. nightmares, archetypal dreams, lucid dreams
  8. repeatedly coming awake at specific times of the night–1:11, 3:00, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 AM etc.

About these symptoms Denise commented:

“Again, fear not because it’s a positive sign of our compressed evolution, our expanding consciousness and all the positive things that naturally comes with it.” (13)

So what does all this mean? Simply that we all evolving, and doing so at unprecedented rates. These changes are interpreted by our physical senses and can have the appearance of coming out of nowhere for no reason. There will be commonalities and also differences in how these changes are interpreted by our physical senses.

The difficulty arises because we are so tuned, so programmed, that whenever anything out of the ordinary occurs in our body, we worry about it. When we notice something out of the ordinary we have a learned drive to know what it is, why it is, and how to be rid of it so that we can get on to being “normal” again. What we’re beginning to realize is that even what constitutes normal is changing. Indeed there may never be a “normal” again.

But perhaps the most important thing to remember from all of this information is to stay out of fear. If what you are experiencing is frightening, or you suspect in any way that you require medical attention by all means seek medical help.

At the very least you may find out that there is nothing wrong and/or that nothing was found, and that should reduce the fear considerably. Reducing the fear is all important.

I hope you will take solace from this comment from Saul:

“At present you are all undergoing a massive expansion and strengthening of your individual energy fields to prepare you for your return to Reality.  Spending time in the illusion has enormously weakened you, a bit like becoming sick and bedridden, where you have needed to rebuild your health and strength before being able to operate normally once more.  You have become unbalanced, inharmonious, out of tune, and are now going through a period of what can only be described as expert restoration and renewal, after years of inappropriate storage, or even thoughtless abuse.

“Those of you who are experiencing constant tiredness, exhaustion, or energy depletion are at the forefront of the restoration and renewal program.  It is very draining and depressing for you as you struggle with the problems of making even the most simple decisions in your daily lives, things that were previously a breeze.  Know that you are greatly honored, intensely supported, and dearly loved, and that this ongoing sensation of being completely alone as you force yourselves to maintain your optimism, and discount and disregard your doubts and anxieties, is akin to that very deep dark period before the dawn.” (14)

Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/02/ascension-symptoms-or-what-is-happening-to-me-part-13/


(1) Matthew’s Message, Jan 4, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(2) Steve Rother and the group, Beacons of Light, July 15, 2009

(3) Archangel Michael and St. Germain through Goldenlight, Feb 6, 2013

(4) Mira the Pleiadian, June 20, 2011

(5) Karen Bishop, Ascension Primer, Booklocker.com, Inc. 2006, c2006

(6) Karen Bishop, Gamma Books, http://www.gamabooks.com

(7) Steve Rother, Spiritual Psychology, Lightworker Publications: Second Edition, March 2006, 56-57

(8) ibid, 58

(9) Steve Rother and the group, Beacons of Light, Sep. 15, 2004

(10) Archangel Michael, An Hour with An Angel, Jan. 23, 21012

(11) Steve Beckow, “What is That Ringing in My Ears?” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/spiritual-dilemmas/what-is-that-ringing-in-my-ears/

(12) Denise LeFay, Inner Body Vibrations and Other Unusual Symptoms, Aug 2, 2011

(13) loc. cit.

(14) Saul through John Smallman, Sep 2,