The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light, and Love, and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

What Is the Great Invocation?

The Great Invocation is a beautiful universal world prayer. It invokes the Light, Love and Will-to-Good of God for all humanity. It has been translated into more than 70 languages and is used daily all over the world by men and women of goodwill.

The Great Invocation belongs to all people and to all faiths. It is not confined to any one religion, race or creed. It is a means by which humanity can help prepare the way for the coming World Teacher, for Whom people of all faiths hope and wait. This Coming One is the embodiment of love. This Being is known by various names, such as the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior, the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Bodhisatva.

The Great Invocation reveals the existence of a divine Plan of Love. By using this prayer we perform a great service to humanity by helping to manifest God’s Plan on Earth. Faithful daily use of the Great Invocation creates profound changes in a person’s life and contributes to the harmonious evolution of the human race.

How Do I Use the Great Invocation?

A Creative Visualization and Meditative Approach

The Great Invocation is a beautiful universal world prayer for humanity. Use of this prayer brings powerful changes to our life and to mankind. It is, therefore, important that we use this prayer with a joyful spirit and right attitude. The following usage is suggested:

  • Sit in a quiet place.
  • Silence your body, your emotions and your mind; let go of all thoughts and worries and keep your mind from wandering.
  • Speak slowly and with solemnity, sounding the words softly aloud or reciting the words silently.
  • As you say the Great Invocation, concentrate fully on the meaning of each word; do not allow yourself to become mechanical in your expression.
  • As you say the prayer, visualize the world and all humanity and see Light, Love and Power (the Will-to-Good) spreading over the entire planet:
    • With the first stanza visualize the Light of understanding spreading to the minds of all men and women of the world.
    • With the second stanza visualize the Love of the Coming One streaming into the hearts of all humanity, replacing hate and fear with the love which creates right human relations.
    • With the third stanza visualize God’s Purpose influencing the little wills of human beings to create a radiant future.
    • With the fourth stanza visualize a world in which the evils of hate, separatism, greed, war and materialism no longer exist.
    • With the fifth stanza visualize the Light, Love, and Power (Will-to-Good) of our Creator transforming humanity and the planet.
  • Conclude the Great Invocation with Amen, Om, or your favorite sacred word and send blessings to all humanity.

The power of any prayer increases with concentrated attention. It is important to direct our consciousness to the meaning of the words and to speak the prayer with clear, visualized thought, with heartfelt enthusiasm, with understanding, and with faith that the objectives of the prayer will be realized.

The Great Invocation can be sounded at any time during the day and can be included with other prayers or with a daily meditation. The effect of the prayer is greater if it is repeated daily, as repeated recitation creates strong thoughtforms and creates in us a focus toward the ideals which the prayer expresses.

This Invocation is a prayer for the Future, when humanity will bloom to its highest beauty and will express the music of the Purpose of the Infinite.” ~ Torkom Saraydarian, Triangles of Fire

How Does Using the Great Invocation Do Good?

The Power of Invocation

“Invocation is the highest type of prayer there is.” It is a means for summoning spiritual forces into our lives and is used by humanity to seek protection from confusion and devastation. The essence of invoca­tion is thought, and when our thought is used with massed and focussed intent, it forms a powerful energy directed toward those higher Beings who are sensitive to such requests. Their response, in turn, reaches those who are receptive to Them in the form of information and inspiration.

When the Great Invocation is sounded, the three great energies of Light, Love, and Will are invoked. The response to such a request effects profound changes in our life, influencing our attitudes, life purpose, and spiritual direction. Reception of these energies makes us sensitive to God’s will and better able to materialize the Plan of Light and Love on Earth. In fact, the Great Invocation is a summary of the Plan, appealing for an increase in the light of our understanding, a greater love toward all life forms, the integra­tion of our will with Divine Will, an end to evil, and the restoration of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Many practical outcomes for the good of humanity result from the reception of these energies, such as:

  • Awareness of the subjective unity of humankind.
  • Enlightened thought.
  • Strengthened spiritual values.
  • Greater cooperation between religions and nations.
  • Increased understanding of the materialization of ideas and of the concepts of God and immortal­ity.
  • Elimination of bad habits of feeling and thought.
  • Development of the faculty of intuition.
  • Adequate food, clothing and housing for all people.
  • Liberation of women and an increased awareness of the responsibilities of motherhood.
  • Modernization of financial methods.
  • Establishment of a common world language.
  • Improved civilization through the use of atomic energy.
  • Cultivation of the powers of the Soul.
  • Establishment of new healing procedures.

When the Great Invocation is sounded daily, with deep concentration and sincere intention, great blessings are presented to us all. Individually, our relationships improve, our efficiency increases, and our whole life prospers. Humanity is liberated from materialism and selfishness, from hypocrisy and hatred, and receives new understandings and an increased feeling of the unity of all people, thus transforming all mankind.

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let Purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light, and Love, and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

What is the “Heart of God?”

God is Love

“God is love.” How many times have we heard or said those words, glibly taking their meaning for granted and assuming everyone else agrees? Yet, there is nothing more fundamental to an understanding of spirituality or even life itself then those three simple little words. From time immemorial love has been associated with the heart. Humanity from all over the globe has identified the source of love, both human and divine, as coming from the heart. Ask any child where they feel love and it is likely they would point to their heart, so ingrained is the notion within one’s consciousness. But, how are we to know the true meaning and purpose of God’s love? If love springs eternally from the heart, what is the heart of God, and how do we come to understand what that means for our own lives?

Consider, for a moment, the human heart. This most marvelous of organs beats within us without ceasing or rest, supplying the entire body with life-giving blood. It never tires. It adapts its operation to all of our needs. It feeds the body through the blood. It is the great engine within us, allowing us to live and move and have our being in the physical world. When it stops, our physical life ceases within a matter of minutes. Yet, it is more than these things to humanity for it is associated with love and feeling and with that quality which makes us uniquely human-the capacity to know and express love and to be able thus to grow in wisdom. As human beings we identify ourselves with this capacity to love and grow in wisdom more than with any other quality.

It is the quality of love which draws us together in groups of all types, from the basic family unit to greater communities, to the greatest of nations. Communal life or the gathering together in a common goal is at the very root of the purpose of love. Basic science has taught us that any group has an over-shadowing consciousness and purpose. Whether that group is a collection of atoms or an organ within a body or a community of souls, for example, the principal just outlined applies. The individual units within any group retain their individuality, but if those units are drawn together in common purpose then a greater force or intelligence beyond that of the individual group members comes into play which guides the progress and destiny of the collected group.

This idea of greater purpose and group relatedness is the beginning of our understanding of this question: “What is the heart of God”? Even the most materialistic scientist would have to admit there is a mysterious force beyond our comprehension which binds all things together and gives the resulting groups a purpose and a life of their own.

It has been said in many different ways that God is love. Is it too difficult to recognize that even a statement such as “All is energy” is an equivalent statement to “God is love”? All of the world’s great religions have equivalent statements that attest to God’s universal love.

Let us carry this idea of groups through some examples to make the preceding points more clear. An atom, for example, has certain characteristics depending upon what type of atom it is. If one combines various types of atoms into a chemical compound then the chemical compound thus formed takes on its own characteristics. Yet, the individual atoms within the compound retain their individuality. The same sort of thing can be said of an organ in one’s body, as another example. The cells within any organ are all individual and have lives of their own. But when those cells function as an organ then that collection of cells expresses much more than the individual cells in the group and the organ takes on a life, and indeed, a rudimentary consciousness and purpose of its own. One can carry such analogies out ad infinitum. From a group of atoms to the grandest of galaxies, all groups are expressions of myriads of individuals comprising ever-greater and majestic groups. The common thread which runs through all groups in the universe is this principle we call love, underpinning an intelligence or consciousness of some sort.

Everyone knows that a group of people, when united in common purpose, takes on a life and an individuality of its own. This is true of human groups of all types, whether the group is a mob in the streets or a great religious gathering, for example. It is unity of purpose and the binding element which organizes and animates any group-literally, any group. This unity of purpose and organization within group life speaks of another facet of love-identification. That all groups are not wholly altruistic is true. That love – human love, shall we say- can be imperfect and misguided at times is true as well. But, there is a capacity within every human being to identify with another, so long as the spark of love is there.

It is this the capacity for identification and resulting unity which is that, the heart of any group. Without it all groups disintegrate and eventually fade away. We identify with each other because we feel that we are the same in some respects. This points to one of the primary teachings of all the great world religions: all souls are one and emanate from the same Source. In this identification with others we come to recognize there is something greater which binds us all together as a common human family. In this day and age of instant communications we realize our similarities, interdependencies and the necessity for understanding each other at an ever increasing speed and with over-riding urgency. We are quickly coming to the realization that to focus upon differences is folly and leads to undesirable ends, whereas to focus upon commonality and unity of purpose can bring about amazing results.

At the heart of every human group we begin to see the workings of the heart of God in the form most recognizable to us. At the heart of every human group united in common good we can see love clearly as the binding force. Some people may react negatively to this idea of love as a great force. But, in reality, there is no greater force in our little world. Love is not some warm, fanciful sentiment. Nor is love passive or devoid of intelligence. Love is indeed a great, impelling, positive and truly intelligent force in nature. Not even an atheist can really deny the marvelous innate intelligence of groups within Nature or the potency of any group over an individual when focused on the same purpose. Some individuals can wield great power, but a group can surpass such power by magnitudes of order. The power of love as a binding and impelling force can be seen all around us, every day and in everything. All we have to do is broaden our perspectives a little to recognize that power and potency.

So, if any group is ensouled and overshadowed by a greater consciousness, what is the greater consciousness overshadowing humanity? Is it God? Is it the angelic Hosts? Is that the vast Intelligence which is Nature? One thing we can be certain of it is that this ensouling Consciousness is greater than any human consciousness, especially if it guides us all in a common purpose.

Throughout history every culture has had periodic occurrences when a great personage has appeared and brought forth a blueprint or code by which its members could live and progress to a greater measure than was normally possible. Such personages give us a glimpse into the greater Consciousness which guides all people because, to a degree, they exemplify some aspect of this greater Consciousness which we have yet to attain. It is as if the human over-soul sends such people to us as mentors and guides to step down the greater wisdom which guides us all into a form and medium we can all understand. It has been said that God wears many masks; i.e. God appears to us in a way which we can understand and which suits our needs.

Whether one believes this greater Consciousness to be God, Nature, a Great Spirit, great Intelligence, or whatever, the fact remains: there is something or someone beyond our comprehension which has brought us into being and guides our course, sight-unseen. And, though it may seem amazing, almost without fail, this greater “Being” is seen to be benevolent, as having a plan for its charges and as inspiring us to be more than what we are as individuals and to aid our fellow travelers as we all fumble our way through life.

Can the majority of us even imagine life without the recognition of this greater Truth which guides us? Do we really get a sense of fulfillment and purpose out of living without in some way aspiring to the examples set by this greater Truth and its messengers? Do we teach our children to be selfish and to go their own way, for example, or do we teach them to believe in something greater than ourselves and to aspire to universal ideals of goodness, fairness and greater communal values? How do we come to know “God” and thus this greater Heart which pours out its life and love to us in such abundance, supplies our every need and all without any apparent call of return?

The experience of the human heart is universal. It goes beyond sex, race, culture, creed, nationality and personal experience. Strip away all personal differences and the universality of human experience and feeling stands revealed. There is a greater Ethic which guides us all, what ever our backgrounds and ensures our progress as a species. People everywhere share common ideals of what comprises goodness, truth and beauty in human expression regardless of their backgrounds and cultures.

It has been said that absolutely everything is measured against the heart, and that the heart thrills to absolutely everything which impinges upon it. What does this mean? It means, simply, that if we go against what we know to be true in our hearts we suffer grievously. The mind can come up with any of thousands of reasons to do a thing or not to do it, but if the action or inaction offends our ethic – if it goes against our hearts – then the heart will eventually win the day. The mind may possess copious knowledge, but the birthplace of wisdom is the heart, and wisdom shows us the way to a greater measure of love.

Love, through the heart, insures our integrity. Love is the “gold standard” and the gauge against which all experience is weighed. In our hearts we know if what we do is correct or not without having to think about it. The heart is the fountain of our being and its source. If one wants to know a thing then to go to the source of the thing (its heart) is the logical step. There is no substitute for direct experience when it comes to knowledge. When it comes to wisdom, though, there is no other way except through direct experience and then by gauging that experience against one’s heart – against one’s ethic. Though our hearts beat constantly, we seldom notice they are they are except in times of silence or in times of great distress. If we would take time out from our busy schedules each day and listen to our hearts (our subjective hearts) we would begin to know more about our purpose and whether or not the course of our lives is true.

So, how do we begin to see into our own hearts and thus the heart of God in this seemingly chaotic world? We see the heart of God in action every time someone does something good, simply because it is the right thing to do and for no other reason, for example. We see the heart of God whenever a parent teaches their child right and wrong, a sense of responsibility and instills a sense of conscience in their little charge. We see the heart of God in the tremendous capacity and spirit of giving evidenced by a people to those less fortunate in their hour of need. We see the heart of God in the great works of art which lift humanity out of its everyday experience and which thrill the imagination to dream of greater things and better conditions. The heart of God shows even in our pets as, in their devotion to us, they aspire to be more than animals and to rise above their condition – all without knowing – simply because of what they are and because they serve us. As a result their service calls us to be more loving and render service to them in return.

For, in the final analysis, perhaps the greatest expression of love is service – selflessly motivated, springing spontaneously from the center of our being, with no other thought than the uplifting and aiding of another. This service knows no boundary or limits. It can and does happen in nonhuman as well as the human kingdom. It is the prime method used to affect progress in evolution. And, if one does not believe subhuman lives can serve, consider the plant Kingdom. That Kingdom provides the fundamental source of food for all animals, plants and humans on this planet. It radiates great beauty. It provides many of our raw materials and the majority of the healing agents of human ills. And why does it to all this? It does this by simple virtue of what it is, by virtue of its being. And though we, as humans, commit all sorts of atrocities against that Kingdom of nature, still it never ceases to serve us, and provides for us in abundance.

The superhuman kingdoms all serve as well, by simple virtue of their being, to continue with examples. Our Earth, this superb agglomeration of groups of all types, is our home and is one of the jewels of the solar system. That it serves us is beyond dispute. That our world serves a greater purpose may still be a question in the minds of some people, but we may, perhaps, safely say that it does serves a greater purpose. The great saints and personages from throughout history and in the present render service by being living examples of the true potential of human life. All the greatest miracle workers have stated in one way or another that they only demonstrate the bounty of God’s love to us and the potential we each have within us if only we would learn to love and thus serve more fully. But perhaps the greatest example of service we have before us is a thing we take for granted, yet see every day, at least through its effects, but without which we would all surely die – our own little star, the Sun.

Little as we may realize it, the Sun is the central point of a stupendous Existence, which we call our solar system. This Existence is the sum total of our little local universe. It guides us all through space. The Sun nurtures and warms us, like a great central heart. It binds the solar system together and is the very life of that system. The quality of the Sun’s light determines the type of life that exists on our Earth. It preserves the integrity of our planet and is the very medium through which we evolve. It produces all that we see around us, either directly or indirectly. In some respects we are literally formed of its essence. We have no greater example of service or of God’s love for all than our own Sun. This great Heart, pouring out its light for all things is literally a shining example of all things relating to the heart of God, and we can draw many analogies from it.

As inexorably as the sun traverses the sky, so we are all led to the heart of God. Though we pass through storms, through the darkness of night, though eclipses and calamities may blot out the sun’s light, it remains; ever-shining, bestowing its light and its life on us, whether we notice or not, whether we care or not. The Sun always shines beyond our little place in the world, always guaranteeing us another day of warmth and life. It does so because of what it is, not because it wants anything. The heart of God can be likened to the Sun. God is love and the great engine of God’s heart beats eternally. Thus the example is set for everyone: Be who you are. Give because you are and of what you are. Do not cease, nor retreat. Shine throughout your days and work behind the scenes at night. All who are around you benefit from your light and draw sustenance and succor from that light. Life around you withers and dies if your light retreats for too long. Draw out your kindred lights and make of our world a lighted Palace. The word from God’s heart goes out, at every moment and in every corner – “I AM, and thus your existence is assured. You are always one with me, as are all others and all things. My Light is Love and is yours beyond all measure and without surcease. Give of all you are as I give to you and you will be forever filled. Love, as I love you and you will know my heart which beats eternally for all.”

Through our being and through our serving we come to know the heart of God. Let all lives around us thus be served. Then the chosen Coming One will return to earth. The very heart of God beats through each and every one of us, at all times and for all lives around us. May your life shine as brightly as a Sun!

Who is the Coming One?

What Do We Mean By the “Coming One?”

For centuries there has been an expectation in different cultures and religions that a World Teacher will re-appear. The names given to this “Coming One” include Maitreya, the Boddhisattva, the Messiah, Christ, and the Imam Mahdi. This World Teacher will probably not emerge as a traditional religious figure but instead will reveal a Divine Spiritual nature to all humanity whatever their belief or religious conditioning – Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Judaism, or otherwise.

The significant quality of the Coming One will be unconditional love and a profound wisdom. These qualities will encompass and help to further unite all those who embrace right human relations and who revere life in all kingdoms on planet Earth.

When Will the Coming One Appear?

The coming teacher will appear in three ways:

  • As a stimulation of human minds towards thoughts of goodwill and brotherhood.
  • As an awakening of human hearts to love and inclusiveness.
  • As a Being in physical form to guide and teach humanity.

There have always been mediators between the highest spiritual Being or Source in our universe and humanity. Such great Teachers have expressed love and wisdom in their purest form. Unfortunately humanity over centuries often distorts their teaching and creates dogmas that may cause intelligent humanity to reject the concept of the Coming One.

We can, however, expect a Being who has a complete identification with all human problems whether political, religious, psychological, or economic. Such a Being will therefore understand the times better than the most seasoned international commentator. He or She will also have more knowledge and understanding of the human heart and condition than the most enlightened psychologist.

Those earlier Teachers, who have led humanity further on their spiritual journey, have always been in touch with their times. So we can expect the coming World Teacher to move us into a better understanding of why we are here and where we are going. Hence we can rest assured that this Teacher will not endorse or underscore any existing dogma, for He or She will express the truth before it becomes dogmatic.

Humanity is passing through a unique and critical time wherein old forms are dying out and new ones are coming to life. In such times of crisis, and to sound the note for a New Civilization, a Teacher always comes forth. The arrival date for the Coming One is dependent on the focussed and massed intent of all those individuals and groups who can invoke this event with hope and expectancy.

The return of the World Teacher may take place in any nation or culture. As He or She will be in touch with all modern communications and systems we can expect that “every eye shall see and every ear shall hear.” We must not expect that the Coming One will copy previous appearances that occurred before modern technology was developed. Modern communication systems can always be used as vehicles for the Truth.

It is possible that the Teacher will choose to manifest through some political vehicle such as the United Nations or through some modern educational movement. It is not necessary, and perhaps unlikely, that an existing religious base be used for the reappearance because each expression through the ages reveals a new aspect of the truth that is in keeping with the times.

We are already witnessing changes within humanity suggesting that right human relations are developing in every department of life. A new era of helpfulness is manifesting, indicating that serving individuals and groups of all kinds are in a position to invoke the waiting Teacher. Even in the current areas of international conflict we note that the world community works to contain the “infection,” and this contrasts greatly with wars in previous decades.

It has been suggested that the Coming One will come when a measure of peace has been restored, when the principle of sharing is in process of controlling economic affairs, and when religious and political groups have begun to clean house. We do witness these days attempts to clean house in these areas plus attempts to improve the global economy.

In order to help with the preparatory work an ancient prayer called “The Great Invocation” was given out in 1945 at the end of World War II. It is a world prayer translated into many languages and used by millions, and its daily use is said to be the most potent means for humanity to prepare the way for the Coming One. Will you help by using this Invocation daily?

The Teachers of Divine Love

What Does the Great Invocation Mean When It Speaks of Masters? Who are These Teachers of Divine Love?

The Masters are perfected human beings. They have mastered their physical, emotional, and mental states of consciousness, and they serve humanity as a community of loving souls.

The Masters are organized in order to foster the development of God’s Plan on Earth, and they labor with enthusiasm and joy for the progress of humanity. Their interest is in the advancement of the human race. Their service contributes to all fields of human endeavor: politics, education and psychology, philosophy, arts, science, religion, economics, and finance. Although They do not impose Their ideas on us, They inspire and encourage us in our striving toward perfection.

Throughout history, individual Masters and Teachers have been physically present on Earth and have served all life in its progressive unfoldment. From this group, humanity has received teachings fitting for the development of the men and women of those particular times. At the present time the Masters are working to prepare the people of the world to restore a society based on right human relationships and goodwill. They are also preparing humanity and nations for the reappearance of the Coming One, the World Teacher, and for Their participation in the externalization of spiritual qualities and the unification of the human race.

… Great Souls exist, and exist entirely to serve Their fellow men… They are coming forth for the salvation of the world.” ~ Bailey, A. A., The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

God’s Plan

What is the Plan?

There is a Plan of continual perfection working out in the Universe. It is the magnetic impulse which urges people to greater achievements and which advances the condition of humanity. It prompts human beings to grow, to progress, and to reach toward an ever higher consciousness. The Plan materializes through high ideals in all fields of human striving, and slowly people begin to improve conditions and to register new possibilities.

The Plan is the translation of Divine Purpose. It leads humanity and nations to a higher understanding and a greater implementation of God’s Will. The objectives of the Plan include the creation of harmony among nations through mutual understanding and cooperation, the nurturing of spiritual consciousness, and a greater synthesis of the material and the spiritual. The Plan fosters a spirit of inclusiveness between people of all religions and nations.

The Great Invocation synchronizes our lives with the goals of the Plan by invoking:

  • increased Light and understanding in the world,
  • greater Love in the hearts of people,
  • the harmonization of humanity’s will with Divine Will,
  • the elimination of anything which hinders the advancement of the Plan and the evolution of consciousness, and
  • the restoration of truth, love and the power of God on Earth.

The Door Where Evil Dwells

Why does the Great Invocation talk about sealing the “door where evil dwells?”

The evil referred to in the Great Invocation is that force at work in the world which acts against the progress of mankind. It is the force which impedes humanity’s development and diminishes our striving and spiritual unfoldment. Such forces are at work in the world today, appearing as cruelty, tyranny, greed and savagery.

In order for humanity to move forward, these barriers to progress must be removed. We do this by eliminating the causes of human suffering—ignorance, hatred, fear, and separatism—and by instilling in the hearts of men and women and of nations a spirit of unity and goodwill. The door from which evil emerges will be closed when humanity is motivated by wisdom, by love for all humankind, and by true spiritual purpose.

The responsibility of ridding the world of evil rests squarely with humanity. It is humanity who must accept the task of implementing the Plan of Love and Light. This is accomplished through commitment to right human relations between all peoples and nations, through the courage and the will to resolve the many problems created by selfishness and materialism which exist today, and through a determined and dauntless effort to create a better world. When these aims are realized, the door of evil will close and, simultaneously, the door to true spiritual existence will open before us.

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