The following is an invocation to be performed once a week. Set aside a day when you always do it, such as Sunday first thing or before bed. The Universal Forces of Light will align with your intention for a week at a time. You have to keep up the momentum and show them that you still want the protection and clearing, as they follow your free will.
“With the power of the Universal Forces of Light, I release: all agreements nonaligned with the divine plan on all levels — conscious, subconscious, and super conscious — throughout all time and space, and with the power of the Universal Forces of Light I command: all those nonaligned with the divine plan of my entire being and life — including: all those influencing, having influenced or intending to influence me in any way, directly or indirectly; and those shielding from, diverting of, or interfering with this command, including: all beings, parasitic beings, psychic parasites, drug entities, thought-forms, psychic mechanisms, psychic implants, cords, curses, spells, hexes, psychic-robots, limiters, any kind of black magic, psychotronic influences, cosmic evil, stimulation or evocation of my past harmful karma, anything appearing to be of the light but not really, intensification of my misaligned with the divine plan problems, control lines, subliminal and superliminal programing, intentions, vibrations, patterns, forces, energies, any of the above that are masquerading as my being, any of the above integrated with my being but not aligned with its divine plan, any of the above coming through other people or other beings or other objects toward me or other people or events in my life, any of the above that is timed to activate in the future, and anything else that is nonaligned with the divine plan, on any and/or all levels of existence, known and unknown or unnamed — to release from me and all beings and things and go into the level of the Light of the Spiritual Soul or into the level of the Divine Light or into the level of the Cosmic Light, according to the Highest Good, now, and continuing for a week!”