Reiki and Crystals Part 6 – Quartz

See introduction in Reiki and Crystals Part 1

I realise I’ve given you a few “strange” crystals in the previous posts on Reiki and Crystals, so I decided to focus on an easier stone. So, here goes… 7 Quartz Crystals. Enjoy!

Seven Quartz Crystals

Bringers of Light, Purity, Clarity, Purposefulness, Simplicity

When we put a quartz crystal on each chakra for a Reiki (self‑) treatment, a pure light flows through us and rises up into the universe through our active life stream. This treatment evokes a great luminance and radiance and calls the light of the Quartz Devas. They come as beings of light and remind us of the original sea of eternal light from which everything has been created and into which everything returns.

Quartz crystals are manifestations of the undivided light. Their pure light connects not only with the bright light in our energy bodies and in our life stream, but also flows through all the colour vibrations of our chakras and the energy systems connected with them so that everything within us becomes brighter, lighter, and easier.

Use the Reiki and Quartz crystal treatment you or your client long for purification, clarification, order, and purposefulness. Through the gift of simplicity, it leads us to holistic harmony.

The Chrysoprase in the Individual Energy Centres

Base Chakra

Quartz brings order of light into our everyday life. This order of light is full of harmony, but it does not always correspond with our idea of order. We become familiar with clarity as an ordering principle. As a result, everything that we had previously felt to be complicated, insurmountable, and difficult becomes easier and less complicated.

Sacral Chakra

Quartz helps us to cleanse prejudices about our relationships and encounters with others. This means that we don’t get stuck on the shadow sides (what we don’t like, what causes us difficulties and one‑sided perspective) as we are allowed to perceive and recognise things from the light‑filled sides (the virtues, the beauty and uniqueness of the other person).

Solar Plexus

Quartz emanates harmonious, benevolent, yet purposeful energy allowing us to recognise and do what is essential to the development of our personality. We learn to be more assertive and to stand our ground when it is necessary, and not just because we want to prove our power to others.

Heart Chakra

Quartz cleanses our heart of falsely understood love, teaching us to have a “pure heart.” We learn to be very “clear” with others and ourselves and not become too engrossed in our own feelings. In the innermost place of our heart chakra, quartz touches the flame of the eternal light within us. This allows it to become a living, exuberant source of light that exudes its harmony in abundance and purity.

Throat Chakra

Quartz brings clarity into our verbal expression and helps us express “great things” in simplicity. As a result, with our communication we let harmony flow into a conversation, a room, or our environment so that “dark,” discordant, and oppressive vibrations and moods can be dissolved.

Third Eye

Quartz purifies our thoughts, patterns of thinking, self‑concepts, goals and ideals of everything that does not lead us to the light. Our thinking becomes clear and ordered and divine harmony guides our thoughts. Our intuition becomes permeated with light‑consciousness so that we are more intensely connected with our Higher Self and all our helpers in the light.

Crown Chakra

Quartz light comes into our highest vibrations, where it finds itself in the highest quality. On the one hand, this has a relieving effect on the blocks with which we still orient our lives in too much of a manner towards the material world. On the other hand, we become increasingly able to take in the light from the highest source in perfect purity and simplicity, allowing it to have an effect within us and through us on the earth.

The quartz‑crystal Reiki (self‑) treatment leads us to a clear, purposeful way of living in all areas of our life. It makes us aware of our shadow sides and unites them with divine harmony. When we see our weaknesses in the light, they develop into strengths. This treatment is cleansing, relieving, strengthening, and light‑filling for the body, soul and mind. It is most definitely a treatment worth having on a regular basis.

The effect of the cleansing, clarity and purposefulness is particularly strong when we place a grown, uncut quartz‑crystal tip on each energy centre with the tip pointing towards the head. A bright stream of light fills us and cleanses our body. Discordant, disease‑causing, oppressive and blocking energies can dissolve within this strong light stream and flow away in the light. Our level of emotions and thoughts also experience cleansing in this manner. A pleasant clarity remains with us, enabling us to tackle and solve difficulties, problems and challenges in simplicity.

When we use double terminated Quartz on each chakra a great deal of power of assertion and magnetisation develop simultaneously in the strong stream of light. The strongest blocks are broken and brought back into a lively vibration at the same time.
